Monday, October 31, 2011

All Done!

She handed me a lollypop stick, "All done, Mommy.", and passed out cold about 3 seconds later! Just about sums it up...

Trunk-or-Treat (Part II) !!

To top off our super busy day in Maine, we had dinner with Auntie Renee, Adam, Uncle Barrio, Auntie Meg, and Joe Joe at Margaritas. THEN we went "Trunk-or-Treating" with Joe Joe and his buddies. Rather than go house-to-house, trunk-or-treating takes place in a parking lot and the kids go from car-to-spooked-out-car. Pretty cool! And pretty efficient, too, especially given how cold trick-or-treat nights in Maine can get!!

Chillin' at Auntie Nay's Batcave

Later That Day....

So after a busy morning, visiting CDI, Memere & Pepere's house, and lunch at Chick-a-Dee, we stopped in for a couple hours at Babchi's house. How many things can we cram into one day?? You ain't see nothing yet....

Trick-Or-Treat -- Part I

Mother Nature was not kind to us in Westford this past weekend. Thanks to a pre-Halloween snow storm which pulled down branches and trees all over town (heavy with leaves that had not yet fallen, as well as the heavy, wet snow), we were without power. Remembering the ice storm 3 years ago -- when we lost power for FIVE days -- and fearing the worst, we headed up to Grammy & Grampy's house about 16 hours after the lights, heat and water went out.

Although Halloween was cancelled (or really postponed, as we later learned) in Westford, the good news is that Halloween in Maine was not impacted by the storm. Yay!

First stop.....CDI, of course! We should've egged Grampy's office, since he wasn't there to give us a treat.....

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Thursday, October 27, 2011

WPS Halloween Parade

Shy lil' puppy waiting for her big brother's class to begin their Halloween Parade.

Big puppy dogs eyes for friend Ethan. <3

Here they come!

Yarh! Shiver me timbers.

The Blue Room.

Each child got to have a moment of fame when they walked to the front of the group to tell the moms and dads what their costume was. So cute!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Creepy Cookies

For the preschool Halloween party tomorrow. Boo!

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Aiden's preschool had its annual Touch-A-Truck fundraiser this weekend. After brunch with some friends, we dragged them and their 2 year old along with us this year. As always, the trucks were a HUGE hit with the kids.

Bree can't wait to be a big kid and ride on a school bus for real!

The girls hamming it up for the camera.

I wonder if this is Mr. Dan's fire truck?

FYI - the inside of an excavator's bucket scooper (or whatever the technical term is) is NOT clean.

Aiden and couple of buds from preschool, hanging out in a front end loader scoop....just like any other normal day....

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Friday, October 21, 2011

Castle In The Trees Revisited

Grammy came to visit for a couple of nights this week. Since the sun was finally shining this morning, we decided to take her to one of our favorite new playgrounds (or new to us, I should say).

Steady now....

The King, the Queen and the Jester. You decide whose who. :-)

Big strong boy!

All about class...

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Open Wide

Aiden accompanied me to a quick follow-up dental visit today. The hygienist gave him his own gloves and mask while we waited for the dentist, which he thought was pretty cool. :-)

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Wilson Farm

We ventured to Wilson Farm today to get our big pumpkin (among a few other goodies) before Halloween. After we scarfed down some delicious warm apple cider donuts (which alone are worth the 35 minute drive to Lexington), we waited in what seemed to be an endless line for the haunted hayride (the scare factor is pretty mild, to make it appropriate for young children and old wimpy moms like me).

Off we go!

We left with a giant pumpkin, 2 scarecrows, sunflowers, brussels sprouts (they have the most amazing fruits and veggies!), and a gorgeous mumm for the front porch.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Safety First!

Bree was SO thrilled with the pink bike helmet that I picked up for her at the CMC pre-sale this morning, that she insisted on wearing it during breakfast. I knew I needed to buy her a bike helmet and fast, because every time we were out riding bikes (and Aiden was wearing his), she'd look at me with a sad pouty face and say, "Why don't I have a bike helmet...?"

Friday, October 14, 2011

Dino Obsessed

Aiden's fascination with dinosaurs continues. We've checked out countless dinosaur books from the library. Today I found him in the living room today, trying to identify one of his plastic dinosaurs that we got at the Science Museum in one of the latest library books. From what I understand from Nan, this is a clear case of history repeating itself. Daddy was dino obsessed as a young boy, too.

Pumpkins Beware!

On our way to a Steve Blunt Halloween Concert at the Groton Library.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


With a bit of help from Daddy. :-)

Big Girl Bed

I think she likes it....

My Kind of Camping

No roughing it required!