Friday, July 31, 2009

Rocking with Grammy Barriault

Grammy came to help out for about a week and a half after Bree was born.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

6 Days Old

Not your typical baby pose, but apparently breech babies like to stretch their legs. We've certainly found this to be true with Brienne!

Awake, at last! Haven't been able to capture many photos so far with her eyes actually open.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Brienne's 2nd Day Home

Aiden was very happy to see his baby sister when he got home from daycare. He sings to her and gives her kisses. Such a great big brother. :-)

Snuggling with Mommy.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Time to go home!

Waiting to be discharged and for the baby lo-jack to be removed. Very cool and reassuring technology they've added at Emerson!

Home sweet home!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Day 3

Aiden sporting his Big Brother t-shirt, and playing with his digger truck that Brienne gave to him the first day he visited us at the hospital. He loves it, of course!

Aiden thought Mommy's giant sippy cup was pretty cool.

Brienne! Are you wearing the same outfit you had on yesterday???

Late night photo opp with Mommy (taken by one of the nurses).

Friday, July 24, 2009

Day 2

Pretty in pink.

Daddy's lil' girl.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Brienne Renee is born

On Thursday, July 23rd at 2:35pm, Brienne Renee Gouldson was born via Cesarean Section at Emerson Hospital. She weighed 7 lbs, 9 oz, and measured 22 inches (according the hospital her pediatrician appointment 5 days later she measured only 20 inches...??). Brienne shocked Mom & Dad with the fact that she was a girl. We were convinced for 21 weeks (following her 18 week ultrasound), that she was a boy after the tech exclaimed "Whoops! Did you want to know the gender??" Guess the tech didn't ruin the "surprise" afterall. :-)

By the way, had she not been breech, I'm convinced she would have been my "easy" delivery. Aiden paved the way with the big noggin that he inherited from Sean, while Bree (aka, Brie, Bri -- we haven't yet reached an agreement on how to spell the nickname...) got my small head.

Many thanks to Dr. Michele Sinopoli (best doctor ever!) and the labor & delivery staff at Emerson Hospital for their help in bringing our beautiful baby girl into the world! (I can't believe we didn't get a picture with them. Oops!)

First family photo (Yes, that's Dad underneath the scrubs. Nice look, huh? Dr. Sean).

At seven pounds, nine ounces. She beat Aiden by 3 1/2 oz, but she was also about a 1 1/2 weeks older gestationally (is that a word??).

Sweet baby girl!

Grammy Barriault was here from Maine within a few hours of Brienne's birth. Grumpy was there, too, but somehow we didn't get a pic. Sorry Daddio!

Brienne with Nan & Pop Gouldson.

Sleeping soundly.

Brienne with Daddy and Mommy.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Just like Daddy...

The highlight of Aiden's day was getting ride on the REAL ma-mowa with Daddy.

Kimball Farm

At a recent visit to Kimball Farm, Aiden thought the hot air balloon ride was really cool. He's pointing to the balloon up in the sky.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Little Monkey

Lil' monkey in his monkey sun hat (or rain hat, on this particular day...).

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Hospital Admission - Take 1

Mom was admitted to the hospital due to low amniotic fluid at 36 weeks. Luckily they discharged her the next day, but she's now on bed rest until my baby brother or sister arrives later this month.

Don't let these pictures deceive you. I was a little monster at the hospital. I can't wait to go back and get into more trouble... :-)