Monday, August 31, 2009

Aiden's First Haircut

This morning Aiden had his first haircut. I was expecting the worst, but he loved it! Can you blame him? He got to ride in a plane while he was getting trimmed up, and then he got to ride a horse! I don't think they had hair salons like this when I was a kid... I should probably also mention that the reason he was getting this "real" haircut is because I gave him a hack-job at home last week. Won't be doing that again...

Saturday, August 29, 2009


I think these pictures speak for themselves. (By the way - 9 years ago tonight, Sean and I were out on our first date. My how times have changed....)

Friday, August 28, 2009

Play Time

Play time on the activity mat wasn't too successful....

...unless you count the fact that Aiden rediscovered how fun this "old' toy of his is. Like most things in our household these days, he calls it "MINE".

Helicopter Hat

Aiden sporting his new hat for Auntie Kelly's "funky formal" wedding next month in Bend, Oregon.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

5 Weeks Old - First Walk

Finally the weather was cool enough to get out for a walk in the stroller! To all those people who told me July was a great time of year to have a baby -- WRONG! We've been inside SO much due to the heat and humidity. Oh well, hopefully we'll get out a lot this fall...

Smiles (or is that gas??) for Daddy

Sunday, August 23, 2009

One Month Old!

Posing in her Tooty Fruity outfit with Aiden's make pretend fruit as props!


Izzy McKay came to visit with her Mommy & Daddy, and little sister Ella this morning. Aiden loves visiting with the girls.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

First "Real" Bath

Brienne surprised us by not screaming bloody murder during her first real bath in the tub like Aiden did when he was an infant. She actually seemed to enjoy it, and didn't even mind that Aiden was "helping" us (i.e., splashing water all over her).

Saturday Morning...

Brienne & Mommy

He still loves her almost one month later (knock on wood!).

Adorable onesie from Auntie Deb and Cousin Johanna. One of my favorites.

Television -- What have we done?!?!?

So much for no TV before age 2. Aiden begs us for "Elmo" ever since we started to DVR Sesame Street. Oh well, at least it's educational (right???).

Friday, August 21, 2009

Chillin' with Daddy

This is what we do on Fridays...

So, this past Friday was the first time I was home alone (well, sort of alone.... Sean was home, but working down in his office) all day with both kiddos. It went fairly smoothly... knock on wood. Only a couple of minor meltdowns.

In the morning we played with play-doh. The little yellow man we constructed was a step-up from the yellow poop we made a couple weeks ago (for those of you who follow us on Facebook...).

Later we made puzzles...

This is Brienne in her duck-butt outfit. As you can see by the "snugness" of the onesie, she's just about outgrown her newborn clothes at this point.

Big brother Aiden giving Bree kisses.

Please don't hammer the baby!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Saturday, August 15, 2009

At The Lake

Photo op with Great Pepere and Great Memere B.

Bree and Auntie Meg chillin' on the porch.

So comfy!

Proud Auntie Renee. :-)

Practicing floating with Daddio.

Snugglin' with Aunt Cindy.

Quiet time with Babchi.

The whole gang (well, almost...).

Cruisin' around the lake with Uncle Barrio.

Aiden and Grammy.

A stick!!

Diggin' with my stick.

Looking for treasures.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Friday, August 7, 2009

Matt & Andrea W's Rehearsal Dinner

Bree's first weekend away was to Matt & Andrea's wedding in Marion, MA when she was only 2 weeks old.

A Bouquet for Mommy

Aiden & Grammy went for a walk, and Aiden picked Mommy some flowers! How cute!

Hello World