Sunday, October 31, 2010


Getting ready for trick-or-treat with the Maclean boys....

She looks harmless, but this ladybug ROARS! (Do you think it may have something to do with her big brother the dragon?)

And off they go!

The lil' ones weren't too psyched to be stuck in the stroller while their big brothers got to ride in the super fun wagon. Brienne only lasted 2 houses. She was having a TON of fun -- which was actually the problem. After each house, she didn't want to get back in the stroller. She wanted to run (by herself) into the street. Game over.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Sick Eyes

Poor little monkey has conjunctivitis. :-( She woke up early so she could get some last minute snuggles from Grammy before she and Grampy left for the airport.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Smolack Farm (Andover, MA)

We met an old St. Dom's friend of mine, Julie Rioux (formerly St. Pierre) and her two adorable children for a morning at Smolack Farm. The kiddos had a great time, and as you can see, really hit it off! Olivia and Aiden are a couple months apart, and Eliot and Brienne were both July 2009 babies. Wish we lived closer to one another. It was a fun day!

This was our pretend hayride. During the weekdays, the hayrides are reserved for school groups that are at the farm on field trips. Kind of a disappointment, although the kids seemed happy enough just to sit on one of the wagons for a while and throw hay at each other.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Brienne loves to color, but unfortunately she also likes to EAT the crayons. I generally take them away from her when she starts to put them in her mouth....however....this time I thought maybe she could learn a lesson the "hard way".

Yes...that is chewed up red crayon in her eyebrow.

Despite the look of disgust on her face, she still continued to eat the crayons. Any other ideas on how to make her stop??

WPK Halloween Party

Today was was the Halloween Parade and Party at Aiden's preschool. The kids were adorable!

Bree got dressed up, too. (I decided to keep the ladybug costume, afterall. It fits better with tights or leggings than it did with the pants she was wearing when we initially tried it on for size...)

Ever try to get 15 3-year-olds to sit still, while 25 parents and teachers pounce for a group photo?? Not so easy. This was about the best shot I could get.... At least I got the most important half of the class! (Why isn't anybody smiling???)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


As much as I miss my quiet "Mommy Time" in the afternoons now that Aiden is no longer napping (the naps disappeared the day he turned 3 when we tossed the binkies out the window to give to the baby birds), it is super nice to have a little Mommy / Aiden bonding time every afternoon. Today we spent a portion of the afternoon carving the BIG pumpkin. It was so much work (and the end result was so pathetic), that it's very unlikely we'll be carving the small pumpkin anytime soon. :-)

Aiden was less than impressed with the innards of the pumpkin!!

This picture just totally cracks me up! Such a sophisticated look....

Monday, October 25, 2010

Halloween Warm-up

I think there's a dragon trying to eat my lil' ladybug.... Sadly, I think we're going to have to return the 18 month ladybug costume, as does not comfortably fit my 15 month old who is 50th percentile for height, but 90th percentile for weight. Bummer...It's so cute on her.

Pumpkin Face

This Halloween card from Nan & Pop has seen A LOT of love already (hence the masking tape holding it together)... and it's not even Halloween yet....

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Oops! Forgot some September Posts....

Daddy was hoarding some pics on his iPhone that just recently got uploaded. One of Bree showing us her six pack. And a few from our visit to Friendship Park when Nan was visiting. Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Children's Museum - Boston

This morning we met my friend, Marilyn, and her 3 lil' ones at the Children's Museum in Boston. The kids had a great time! It was a whole new experience for Brienne, since she was not yet walking during our last visit in June.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Man of Many Hats

Aiden comes home from preschool every day with at least one art project. Many days the art projects consist of some type of hat or crown. Today he came home with my favorite so far -- a spider hat!

While he was modeling his hats for Daddy, I figured we better capture some photos before they all eventually get destroyed by his inquisitive little sister.

This next one was inspired by the Dr. Suess book -- 10 Apples Up on Top.

And this one was his birthday crown from the day his class celebrated his 3rd birthday. I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to volunteer that day, and to get to know his teachers and classmates a little better. Fun day!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Clothing Optional

Brienne has decided she'd rather be naked these days. You should see the battles trying to get clothes or pajamas on this one. Of course, she waits until the cold weather appears to decide she not a fan of clothing. *sigh*

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Patriots Party

How cute are they? -- all decked out in their Patriots gear.

Pucker Up!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Pumpkin Pickin'

We ventured to Pick-Your-Own-Pumpkin got it....pick our own pumpkins with the kids. As luck would have it, the camera battery died (second year in a row) shortly upon our arrival. Luckily, Daddy had his iPhone, so we did get a couple of okay shots of the lil' monsters.

Saying hi to the baby cows.

The hayride out to the pumpkin patch.

The only halfway decent shot of the kids before Bree took a tumble off the bale of hay, and into the wagon wheel. Game over....

Friday, October 15, 2010

Ride 'Em Daddio

Nothing like getting the kids all riled up before bedtime!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Storyland Update

Added a couple of old school pictures from my childhood.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Big Birthdays

We had some BIG birthdays to celebrate this month. Auntie Nay turned 30!! Man is she OLD! But wouldn't you agree, she looks great for her age??

And Babchi turned 85. Happy Birthday, Ladies!!

Birthday kisses for Auntie.

Bree took an instant liking to Grammy's cousin, Irene.