Brienne & Aiden just LOVED the horsey at Adam & Ethan's house. I had the same horse when I was little. Wishing Grammy & Grampy had saved it for their grandchildren....Geez.... :-)
One of Brienne's most prized books is this Baby Toes book with it's touchy-feely pages (green grass, crinkly leaves, cozy towels, fluffy blankets, etc.).
Aiden was saying to her, "It's a Baby Toes book, Bree, not a Baby Hands book!"
Intentionally posting these pics from the first week in December late, as not to have spoiled Christmas cards (and Christmas presents for family). Aiden was mostly cooperative (for a change...) during the photo shoot. Brienne, on the other hand, was a peach. The child did not crack a smile.... until the photographer put away the camera and went to start our prints. Then, of course, she turned into a little ham. *sigh*