Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Check it out! Finally enough hair for a little mini pig tail. And happy to report that she loves it!

A rare picture of them together, before the fighting ensued....

Monday, March 28, 2011

Take My Picture!

Big Foot

Fascinated with Aiden's big boy shows. Perhaps because the soles light up when you jump. Much cooler than her own shoes....

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Aiden and Sean got their dog fix when the Osborne's came over for dinner on Saturday night. Aiden and Brienne both LOVED Gucci by the end of the night. As I sit here typing with Bree on my lap, she's pointing to the first picture going "Woof! Tickle Tickle!". :-)

Matt's practicing his daddy skills. He and Andrea are expecting their first bambino in a couple more weeks!

Rain / Go-Go Boots

That's her dance stage on the floor. No lie. She made up this game all on her own months ago.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Me Too!

One of Brienne's mostly widely used phrases these days is "me too!". She's no longer content sitting in her highchair eating the foods that she used to eat for breakfast. She now needs to sit at the counter ("taunter") and eat Rice Krispies with Aiden.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

3 1/2

Hard to believe that our little man turned 3 1/2 today. My how time flies!


Post-dinner laptime with Daddy has become somewhat of a ritual lately.

Playground!! YAY!!

Took a couple tries, but we located a playground that was mostly free of snow on this sunny (yet cold) Saturday.

Aiden climbs up a tricky wall to get to the big slide.

"I do it" is a phrase we hear all day long lately. This time she wanted to climb this chain link ladder by herself. Oi. She did it, though....

She also went down the super huge slide all by herself. (Trust me, it's not the camera angle. This slide really IS huge.) Miss Independent.....

Daddy Giant.

The double slide was alright, too, but not nearly as exciting.

Aiden mastered the "rock" wall.

Climbing up the twisty slide (this particular playground has no shortage of slides).

Thursday, March 17, 2011

More Silly Bree Bree Faces

Yup - the mean face again. It's her favorite....

"I See You" Peek-A-Boo Face.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Many Faces of Brienne

Silly Face.

Mean Face.

Sweet, Angelic Time for Bed Face.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Monday, March 7, 2011

GreenLeaf (Portland, ME)

Before heading back to MA, we met one of Mommy's friends from high school and her two kids at an indoor playspace (Greenleaf) in Portland. The kids had a great time!

The horns are so fitting these days...

Brienne is hoping for blond curls like Olivia's someday.... :-)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Joe Joe Barrio's Birthday Bash

Common Mom. Let's get this show on the road. I have a birthday party to get to....

Just let me move a little furniture around before we leave.

Here we are! But when do we get to open presents and eat cake??

Spending a little time with all the great-greatparents.

Hey - there's the Birthday Boy! And his Daddy & Mommy, too!

Happy Birthday, Joe Joe! I love you!

Way past nap time...

I could use some snuggles from Nimmy (Grammy).

And from DeeBee (Grampy), too.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Here Fishy Fishy Fishy

While Nan was visiting, we took the kids to Boston to visit the New England Aquarium. This was Brienne's first trip, and Aiden hadn't been since he was about Bree's age (he still isn't a fan of the turtles....or the sharks....) :-)