Saturday, April 30, 2011

Big Apple Circus

So not only did Mommy forget to charge the small camera before we left for the circus, but she also managed to somehow lose the few pictures that we did take before the battery died when Daddy updated to a new version of iPhoto recently. *weep* Below is the one and only picture that came out from Daddy's iPhone. Bree's munching happily on a churros. YUM! I wish I could say the kids LOVED the circus, but the Big Apple Circus (which we saw in Boston, obviously) was a little weak in the animal department. The kids were less than impressed by the human acts. Hopefully Barnum & Bailey will come to town one of these days. I think they would enjoy that one much better.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Lil' Aviator

More Baby Love

Bree was too busy taking care of her baby this morning, to come join us at the breakfast table.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Oct-Pus Towel

Brienne LOVES the "Oct-Pus" (octopus) towel that Nimmy and DB got her for Easter. She insists on sitting under the barstools while wrapped up in it. Not sure why, but that's her thing. Makes her quite happy, as you can see. :-)

Sunday, April 24, 2011


It was really cool to see Aiden get into the whole Easter Bunny thing this year. He was SOOOO excited! So excited, in fact, that he was downstairs long before anybody else. Little did the Easter Bunny know that the tissue paper he placed inside Brienne's basket would act as a burglar alarm of sorts, alerting Mommy to the fact that Aiden was up to no good while the rest of us were still in bed!

Thrilled with her new Dora the Explore big wheel bike.

Coloring with her new "da-dos".

Checking out his Super Why flashcards that the Easter Bunny brought.

We brought some of Aiden's "Wicked Decorated Cookies" to Auntie Deb's house for Easter Dinner. Sure hope my family likes sugar.....

Snuggles with Grammy in lieu of a nap.

The Easter Bunny made a stop in Gloucester, too! Lots of cool beach stuff and other goodies.

Taking the new bike for its first spin outdoors.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt

Our plans for an outdoor Easter Egg Hunt with the Maclean boys got rained out, so instead we moved the festivities indoors. Before the sugar high, the kids snacked on some healthy fruit.

Bree was a little clueless about the whole point of the Easter Egg Hunt, but she was all smiles having her "boyfriends" over for a visit.

Hmmm....there must be some more eggs around here somewhere.....

The big boys take off up the stair, leaving Bree and Ethan in the dust.

Posing with their loot.

And now the good stuff! Bunny cake -- homemade and beautifully decorated by Laura. YUM!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Yes - she "bounced" the ball right at cares that I was holding the camera.

It's a good look -- don't you think??

Playing Nicely Together for 5 Seconds

Easter Egg Decorating -- Part I

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Off To The Races!

Probably a year or more ago, Pop found this really cool tricycle for Aiden that someone was getting rid of. Well, he's finally big enough to ride it. And look at him go, on his very first day trying it out!! I think the big smiles on his face say it all. Thanks, Pop! We miss you and can't wait for you to visit us next month!

Jordan's 3rd Birthday Party

Animal Adventures was a big hit at our friend Jordan's 3rd birthday party. Fun stuff! All the kids were in awe.

Bree was a little shy when it came to the bearded dragon.

Aiden and friend, Evie, pet the chinchilla.

Yikes! Did I really let my 3 1/2 year old hold a baby alligator?? What kind of mother am I, anyway??

And the moment they were both waiting for. Cupcake time!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


And this is what happens while Mommy & Daddy are busily preparing dinner, but little monkeys are apparently too hungry to wait for dinner....

Monday, April 11, 2011


This is what happens when you give your 1 1/2 year old a PBJ and then turn your head while you make yourself a sandwich....