Thursday, May 31, 2012


Yet another session of gymnastics has come to an end, and I still haven't remembered to bring the "good camera" along with me.  *sigh*  The blurry camera phone pictures will have to suffice for now.

Parachute time!

Awarding of the medals.  

BFFs, Elizabeth & Bree, showing off their hard earned medals.  :-)

Monday, May 28, 2012


Celebrating Memorial Day with an ice cream treat at Sully's.  Oh so good!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Over the Hill!

Guess who turned 40 today?!?!?  Aiden was SOOOO excited to give Daddy his very own dino shirt for his birthday.  Croprolite, for those of you who are not dinosaur experts like Aiden, is dinosaur poop.  Hahaha!

My expert cupcake makers helped make carrot cupcakes to celebrate the special occasion.  And Aiden got really into the Happy Birthday song singing with passion!

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Bree Climbing Up Her Water Spout

At least, that's how she tells it.  :-)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Elizabeth's 3rd Birthday

Beautiful day for a Strawberry Festival! The birthday girl managed to escape our cameras, but here's her big sister posing with a very silly Bree.

Driving the sports car down the hill was very exciting for Aiden.

Ladies man taking his classmate, Christina, for a ride on his private jet.

Trying on the glass slipper for size.

It fits!  Clearly she is the prince's true love....

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Preschool Bound Princesses

Brienne and her best friend, Elizabeth, went to preschool for Lunch Bunch and Kid Ventures today with their older siblings.  Call it a preschool trial run!  They had a great time, and both of them are thrilled that they'll be in the same class in the fall.  

Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy Birthday, Mommy!

Mommy let us help her make cupcakes for her birthday.  Mmmmm!!!  Frosting and sprinkles are the BEST parts!!!

Naughty little monkey helped herself to cupcakes when nobody was looking!!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Cousin Liam's Big Day

We were up in Maine for Mother's Day this year to celebrate the baptism of cousin Liam.  Bree was thrilled to be able to hold him for the first time.  

Not wasting a single spec of the complimentary Whoopie Pies that were handed out to all the Moms in the house!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Caught It!

Last summer Babchi gave Aiden this butterfly catcher.  At long last, a butterfly was actually caught with it!  Aiden & best bud Adam check out the prized insect.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Call in the Crew

Some repair work needed to be done under the bar stools.  Aiden & Bree were on the job!

Random Assortment of "Toys"

Out of all the outdoor play things a child could possibly have or want, a recycling-bound box and a mostly deflated pink balloon were essential today.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Westford Road Race

Mommy ran her first road race in, oh - I don't know, 12 years!  Amazingly, she finished.

Best cheering squad ever!

Spontaneous (and rare!) display of affection.

Sunday Morning Pancakes

Friday, May 4, 2012