Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Monday, July 30, 2012

Davis Farmland

Today was a perfect day for Davis Farmland with our buddies, the Maclean boys.

The biggest change from last year is that the kids actually wanted to pet and feed the animals this year.

Aiden even let some of the smaller, less intimidating animals eat from the palm of his hand.

The hayride.

Bubble Pit.  Very cool.

My dare devil mountain climber.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Stony Brook Trail

Daddy & Aiden has some one-on-one time and went exploring on one of the local trails.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Sunny Day

A little practice on Aiden's Strider bike.  She's not as big a fan of the bike as Aiden was.

Sadly, this is Nan's last day with us.  The week sure did fly by.  Love you and miss you already, Nan!

Monday, July 23, 2012

The Play Date Party

Now that Bree has a few friends in town, too, I decided we needed a second (low-key) play date birthday party at home on her actual birthday.

Lick of the Cupcake Frosting

Pink, of course.

Mornin' Birthday Girl!!

Really!?!  3 years old already!?!  My little princess was the first one awake this morning.  

She quietly explored her birthday present for a good 5-10 minutes completely covered by the sheet that was hiding it, until I offered to remove it for her!  Hahaha!

This doll house is practically big enough for her to move into.... 

Happy 3rd birthday, sweet baby girl!  xoxoxo

Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Best Things About Summer Are....

Emily's Run

Crazy Mommy was at it once again.  Pretending to be in running shape.  Auntie Renee kicked her butt, and Batman came in 11th overall! Good work, guys!

HEY!  Isn't that watermelon supposed to be for the runners?!?!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Bree's 3rd Birthday Party

So thrilled with her Little Mermaid cake!  (No, I cannot take credit for baking this one....)  

Smootchies for cousin Liam.  xoxo

Grampy & Grammy and all their Hawaiian grandchildren.

Alway the gymnast.

Yay!  An Ariel towel!  (It literally was the only thing she asked for -- easy to please!)

Ooooo.....And an Ariel princess dress from Grammy & Grampy!

With Maine friend, Elizabeth.  

Very sweet super hero princess costume from Nan & Pop. 

Make a wish!

My mermaid princess.

Aiden got really good at casting with his new fishing pole this weekend!  Maybe next time we'll even let him put a real hook on the end so he can actually catch something.  :-)


Wish she could show her big brother the same kind of love and affection that she has for Liam!  xoxo

Faster, Grampy!!