Thursday, April 25, 2013

Castle In The Trees

Enjoying a beautiful upsidedown spring day at our most favorite playground with friends.  :-)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Playground Revisted

Finally warm enough to start to hitting the playgrounds once again!  Yay!  Today Daddy drove the kiddos to one of the local playgrounds, and Mommy got her road race training in by running to the playground to meet them.  That worked out pretty well, if I must say so myself.  :-)

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Aiden's First Soccer Game

We missed the team's first game while on vacation last week, so this Saturday was Aiden's first game.  I found it hard not to cheer for a couple of preschool friends who were on the opposing team.  Is that bad?  LOL!  I just want them ALL to have FUN!  Aiden's team got clobbered, but the kids still seemed to have fun despite the loss.  (BTW - Aiden is the one in purple on the right.)

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Last Night

All dolled up, and headed out to one of Grammy & Grampy's favorite restaurants on our last night in Clearwater.  

Monday, April 15, 2013

Beach Day!

Despite the fun above, the picture below pretty accurately captures why most of our vacation was spent at the pool vs. the beach. 

Million dollar smile.  xoxo


Mommy & Daddy got the evening off (thank you, Grammy & Grampy!) after much fun in the sun today.  This was the beautiful sunset view while we enjoyed a pre-dinner cocktail at a local bar.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Florida's Finest Fishies

Both kids have come a long way in terms of their swimming skills since the last time we were here.  Last year, Aiden freaked if his head got wet.  This year, he was swimming the length of the pool underwater.  Brienne is also swimming *mostly* independently.  She doesn't stray too far from the edge of the pool (thankfully!), yet is very comfortable being underwater and motoring around a bit.

Action shots!

Who Needs Disney World?

When you can get a Mickey Mouse pancake in Clearwater for a fraction of the cost….

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Lowry Park Zoo

Our "adventure" of the week was a visit to Lowry Park Zoo in Tampa.  

Bar far the most entertaining exhibit was the "singing chimps" pictured below.  These guys were crazy athletic gymnasts, and their vocal cords where impressive!

Flying Bananas.

Let's hope Brienne is always this cautious a driver!

Hanging with Stellaluna. :-)

Loving the tiger roller coaster!

Sweet treat.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Ready for "Blast Off"

Florida, here we come!  The kids wanted to know when the airplane was going to "blast off", as we were sitting on the runway ready for take-off.  :-)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Town Soccer

Aiden started his first season of town soccer tonight.  Go Purple Thunder Snakes!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Monday, April 8, 2013

Dance Recital Preview

The rather "loud" costumes for the girls' clown dance number.  :-)