Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Monday, July 29, 2013

The Never Ending Birthday :-)

We've celebrated with the extended family.  We've celebrated with the immediate family.  Today was our day to celebrate with friends.  Happy birthday (again), Brienne! XO

Saturday, July 27, 2013


How do you keep the kids out of trouble during a cookout??  Television, of course. 

Happy Birthday, Brian!

Thursday, July 25, 2013


Each week the library gives out prizes to kids who come to the library and demonstrate that they've done they "Summer Reading".  This week the prizes were stick-on mustaches.  

Bree wasn't too sure about them while at the library….

But got a little more into it in the privacy of our own home!

Needless to say, this one did not get posted to Facebook!  LOL!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A Fun Filled Fourth Birthday!

Good Morning to my FOUR year old!!  XOXOXO

Safe to say she LOVES her new sleeping bag.  Looks cozy!

After lunch, we celebrated with cupcakes.  Yum!

Someone got a hold of my phone and started snapping "self-portraits".  

Daddy was traveling, and Mommy far too lazy to cook a nice birthday dinner, so Evviva Cucina it was!  Bree's pick.  :-)

Happy Birthday, Ladybug!  Love you!!

Monday, July 22, 2013


Bree gave Grammy a manicure this morning, and did a pretty darn good job for a soon-to-be 4 year old, I might add.  Many thanks to Auntie Kelly & Fam for the Piggy Paint!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Nice Snatch, Bree!

Thanks for dinner at Cyndi's Dockside, Grampy & Grammy!!

Making the Most of Summer

The kids and I decided to stay an extra night in Maine.  Summer is too short to pass up an opportunity to enjoy a beautiful day with family at the lake.  I find it so hard to tear myself away from the lake on a Sunday afternoon only to go sit in summer southbound traffic.  Yuck.  It'll take much less time to get home tomorrow.  :-)

Testing out the new fishing pole with Grampy.


I think he's got something!!

It's, it's, it's…... an Adam!  Toss it back.  We'll go out for dinner instead.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Bree's 4th Birthday

Hard to believe our baby girl is going to be 4 years old in a few days!!  As we've done in prior years (because it would be cruel to make family drive to Massachusetts to celebrate in our hot backyard...), we had Bree's family party at Grammy & Grampy's house on the lake.  We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day!

The theme this year?  You guessed it - - Hello Kitty….

Babchi and all her GREAT-grandkids. <3

Bree and "The Maine Elizabeth" have seen each other only twice this summer, but they are totally best friends when they are together.  Their friendship must have somehow been genetically passed down to them from their mothers.  xoxoxo

Gorgeous (and delicious!) cake made by Mommy's college friend.

Two generations of friends.  :-)

She totally would have sunk that fork into the cake before we sang happy birthday, had I not been within arms reach.  My foodie….especially when it comes to sweets!

Bree's very own tackle box -- to go with the fishing pole that she'd been begging for.  All princess themed, of course.  Thank you, Auntie Nay and Adam! 

Some new "jewels" from Babchi.

The best part of this new Hello Kitty outfit shipped to us from Nan & Pop, was that Nan didn't even know it was a Hello Kitty party!  Pure coincidence.  It's utterly adorable on her!!

Daddy & his lil' mermaid.

Cousins.  xoxo