Sunday, September 29, 2013

Stone Arch Bridge Trail

Later in the day, we joined some neighborhood friends at the Stone Arch Bridge Trail while Daddy mowed the lawn.  A very outdoorsy kind of day.  :-)

Playground Time with Daddy

Aiden went on a nature expedition with his class yesterday on the trail that connects his school to the secondary elementary school that he'll attend for grades 3-5.  Today, Aiden was the tour guide as he, Bree and Daddy revisited the trail (and the playgrounds at BOTH schools!!).  Mommy had the morning off for brunch with her Babson girls.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Creature Power!

It was no surprise when Aiden asked for a Wild Kratts birthday party this year.  He and Brienne have been obsessed with this PBS show about animals for many months.  The show is also a favorite of many of his friends (especially the boys….), hence the attentive audience for the presentation by Animal Adventures.


Some sort of creepy lizard.  (I should probably ask Aiden, if I want this blog post to be as accurate as possible!)


Really big snake (check with the 6 year old if you want specifics).  Not sure who liked this the most, the kids or the dads.

"Baby" alligator.  He was pretty strong for a baby.  It was amazing that the presenter was able to keep him restrained, given her small frame.  Thought he was going to throw her to the ground a couple of times!

Cake time!

We had a time for a few good old fashioned birthday party games after cake, including a potato sack race (below), and musical chairs.  Daddy helped put together a playlist of animal themed songs (both "kid songs" and adult songs) for the party, which was kind of fun.  :-) 

A big thank you to Mother Nature for being good to us once again this year!  

Hot Wheels

Thanks for he cool race track, Auntie Renee!  He opened the box and assembled the entire thing by himself.  Guess he really is growing up…..  *sniff, sniff*

Friday, September 20, 2013

Thursday, September 19, 2013

6 Years Old!

Happy Birthday, my sweet boy!  You may be 6 years old now, but you'll always be my love bug.  Love you lots!! xoxo

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Santa's Village

Unlike past years, when we've had to work naps and cranky tired kids into the equation, we were able to tackle all of Storyland in one day, which allowed us to drive to Santa's Village for another full day of fun.  I'd heard that Santa's Village was nicer than Storyland.  Now I can attest to that, having seen it with my own eyes.  

Santa's reindeer were soooo cute!

The Chimney Bounce was a fan favorite.  Even though the pictures aren't the greatest, if you look close the expressions are awesome!

Aiden taking charge, yet again!

Atop the ferris wheel.

Little Drummer Boys (and Girl)

Saturday, September 14, 2013


We went to Storyland this weekend with our friends, the Nguyens.  The kids got along so well, and everyone had a blast!!  The weather was perfect for walking around the parks, too.  Crisp, beautiful fall days!  A great weekend all around.

The boys were apparently too cool to visit Cinderella…..and Bree was too overwhelmed to smile.  Make no mistake, she was sooooo excited to be here.  But…. she turned super shy when it was her and Leilani's turn for a photo with her.  

Aiden liked to be in charge of the map, and help strategize which rides we should look for next.

Bree was NOT a fan of driving the antique car!!  Hahaha!!

The little tractors were more her speed.

The diggers were new since our last visit.  Pretty cool,  at least according to Aiden.

Seeing the kids at Miss Muffet's Tuffet, always reminds me of these pics from my own childhood.  Although I'm not 100% certain of the year, I must be about 3 or 4, so roughly Bree's age.  Is there a resemblance??  :-)

Thursday, September 12, 2013

First Day of Dance

Bree was soooooo excited for dance to begin again today.  This year she's doing ballet AND tap.  Nearly all the girls from last year are in her class again, plus several new faces from Westford Preschool and elsewhere.  It's sure to be a fun year!