Thursday, October 31, 2013

Trick-or-Treating in "The Hood"

It wasn't the nicest weather for Trick-or-Treat, but at least it wasn't freezing cold.  We went with the neighborhood crew this year.  Ten kids total, ranging from 2 years old to 6th grade (10 years old??).  4 of the 10 are in Kindergarten currently, and one will start Kindergarten with Bree next year.  

Superhero costumes were popular with the boys this year, as you can tell!  Aiden is Wolverine and Bree is the clown (re-purposed costume from her spring dance recital).  Happy Halloween!

Kindergarten Halloween Party

Mrs. Cecere's Kindergarten class.  (Aiden's the yellow "Wolverine" in the back row.)

Brienne's Preschool Halloween Parade

Bree was excited to "recycle" her clown costume from her dance recital for Halloween this year. She makes are pretty darn cute clown, if I do say so myself.  xoxo

Angelina Ballerina and the Class Clown.

The Very Spooky 3-Day Yellow Class.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Pumpkin Carving

Not too impressed with the gunky insides.

Daddy's handiwork.

Pretty cool, huh?

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Warning!!!! Halloween Spoiler Alert!!!

Wolverine is in the house.  (He's one of the "good guys" for those of you who lack Super Hero knowledge… me….)


Aiden was all of 2 years old the first time he attended Westford Preschool's annual Touch-A-Truck fundraiser.  Bree was even younger.  In looking back, it appears that this is our 5th year going to this event.  Wow!  The years go by way too quickly.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Autumn Leaves

Working hard….

Playing hard….

Monday, October 14, 2013

Summer CSA -- Still Going Strong!

 Our CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) share at Springdell Farm has been a phenomenal experience!  Here we are in mid-October, and we're still getting loads of awesome veggies (and even pumpkins!) each week.  Aiden's been disappointed that he's missed out on our weekly pick-ups since school started, so was very thrilled that he got to come along today (Columbus Day).  

So much to check out.  The scarecrows….

The goats…..

The beautiful view…..

The forced hug, so Mommy can get a picture in front of the sugar pumpkins.  Is it hard to tell that they're just not into it???

What's for dinner??

Last Visit EVER to Castle in the Trees

Well….sort of…. The playground is temporarily closing later on this month for a total renovation.  The new playground will be named "Aidan's Playground" in memory of a little boy from Littleton who passed away last year in a tragic drowning accident.  Plenty more smiles to come at one of our most favorite playgrounds, but probably not until next spring.

Sunday, October 13, 2013


Don't judge, please.  We took the kids to Barnum & Bailey Circus today.  They absolutely loved it!  (As did I!)  Despite the animal rights activists stationed outside the DCU Center, the animals didn't appear abused or neglected (or whatever it is they are claiming….)  The kids have been to a couple other smaller circuses that don't have lions, tigers or elephants, and I think we'd all agree that they were a little disappointing  --  especially in comparison to this one!  It was so awesome to see the excitement on their little faces.  :-)

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Giddy-Up Daddy!

Fat Moon Farm

The parents of one of Bree's classmates run Fat Moon Farm in Westford.  Today they invited the entire class and their families over for a picnic and hayride.  Despite the dreary weather, the kids had a blast!  A highlight was squash tossing using their trebuchet.  So cool!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Playground Playdate

Good to know she can still hang with a bunch of boys!!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Doc McStuffins

Today we celebrated our friend and neighbor's 3rd birthday, Doc McStuffins-style.  Happy birthday, Whitney!!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Night on the Town

Grampy & Grammy treated us to Burton's tonight.  YUM!

Aiden's self portrait.

Only a grandmother would tolerate such behavior in a fancy restaurant.  Boy oh boy does she love her Grammy!

Mini Golf

As it turns out, the boys made it to Kimball Farm after all -- for mini golf, though, not ice cream.  In the meantime, the girls did what girls do best.  We went shopping!

Post Lunch Treat

Would you believe they choose Sweet Kiwi over Kimball Farm?!?!  Strange kids….

Sporting Grampy's Glasses

Not a bad look!  Good thing, since the likelihood of her and Aiden wearing glasses at a young age is pretty high.  Mommy started wearing glasses in 2nd grade, and Daddy 3rd grade.

Soccer Saturday

Nope, no pictures of the soccer player.  Only of the goofy sister entertaining herself…  One of these days we'll remember to bring the good camera to the soccer field (and actually take pictures of Aiden playing!).  You may notice that Bree's hair matches her pink fleece.  Her and Mommy got pink hair extensions earlier this week as part of a fundraiser that our hair salon is doing for Breast Cancer this month.  Bree definitely pulls off the pink hair much better than I do!!!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Beauty Parlor Playdate

No offense to Aiden, but all-girl playdates are SO much more fun than boy playdates.  Nice braids, girls!