Thursday, January 23, 2014

4 1/2

Preschool celebrates the "summer babies'" half birthdays during the school year, so today marked a VERY important day for Miss Bree.  She wanted an elaborate party and presents, but we managed to make do with special "half-birthday" muffins for breakfast instead.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Monday, January 20, 2014

Snow Creations

Goodbye polar vortex, hello to playing outside again!!  The snow we got over the weekend is super sticky and perfect for making snowmen and snow forts.

Check out the size of these humongous snowballs the kids and I rolled to make a snow fort in the backyard!

NOW We're Ready for Pool School

We've got 2 weeks of pool school under our belt (skirt?) already, but it took a while to buy a new swimsuit.  Something tells me she's going to have a hard time containing herself until class on Friday!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Pizza, Party, Patriots Playoffs

The game could have had a more favorable ending, but we had a fun afternoon with our friends and neighbors nonetheless!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Mini Picasso

Super fun "Art Party" today for our friends who turned 6 this month!  

Monday, January 13, 2014

Second Stripe on His Second Belt

My lil' Ninja is making progress!


Today was "Peek Week" at gymnastics.  My girl loves to jump, no question about it…..

Intense concentration on the balance beam.




Future olympic team!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Ice Skating!

Bree's been twirling around the house lately pretending to ice skate (and begging me to take her….).  Today we finally went, while Daddy and Aiden were at the movies having their own bonding time.  It wasn't quite as easy as she thought it would be (surprise, surprise), but we had a nice time nonetheless.  I don't think she'll be begging to go back anytime soon, though….  :-)

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Rainy Day Stroll

What to do, what to do on a balmy rainy day in January?  Daddy dragged us all out for a walk, that's what.  Bree insisted on wearing her sunglass "just in case" the sun came out!  LOL!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

First Snowman of The Year

With little help from Daddy, the kids built the first snowman of the year this afternoon.

The boys also built a "Statue of Liberty".

Wednesday, January 1, 2014