Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Mermaid Island

One last summer hurrah at the beach while the boys are at school (stinks to be them!)

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Kindergarten Orientation

She's gonna love it here!  I have no doubt.  

Back to School!

Today is Aiden's first day of First Grade!  Bree has orientation later today, but doesn't start Kindergarten until after Labor Day.

Backpack is bigger than the boy.... Good thing it won't be filled with much this year.

I think he learned this "block" in Taekwondo.  It was taught in order to block a bully, however, not i order to block a hug from your sister.

And off he goes....

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

See Science Center

Today we ventured to the See Science Center in Manchester with some friends from the neighborhood.  The kids really enjoyed it!

Bree liked making the balls float with the air pressure experiment....

......while the boys contented themselves building then destroying villages with twisters and hurricanes.

The Millyard project is the largest permanent LEGO installation in the world.  It's HUGE and was built with unbelievable detail.

The kids spent a significant amount of time "cooking" in the play kitchen, which is ironic because they never use the play kitchen in our playroom anymore....  Guess this one was cooler because of the fancy chef get-ups.

Exploring how pulleys work.

We ended the day with a late lunch at a yummy Mexican place nearby.  The "big kids" entertained themselves with a game of Chinese Checkers while the moms gathered lunch.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Friday, August 15, 2014

Night on the Town

With Grammy, Grampy and Pepere.  Hard to see in the pic, but the "boys" are posing in front of a black bear (only in Maine....).  Thanks for dinner, Grampy!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Kindergarten Welcome Event

Roudenbush hosted a welcome event for incoming Kindergarteners today.  Lots of friends and acquaintances were there, including Madison from dance class. Can you believe my "baby" will be riding on the school bus for real in a few short weeks??  Where has the time gone.....??

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Alice in Wonderland

We met up with some old preschool friends today at the Lowell Summer Series for Kids' production of Alice in Wonderland.  The Summer Series has been a favorite in the past, but the event schedule this summer hasn't coordinated very well with our other activities.  Glad we were able to make it to this one, though.  It was fabulous!  Bree was super excited to meet Alice at the end of the show.  Alice pointed out that they were dressed similarly, and Bree added "And did you know that we're both wearing white headbands?"  So cute.  She was star struck! 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Mud Bath

Library Concert

One of our old favorites today -- Steve Blunt!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Little Dragon

Look whose trying out the Little Dragon class at Achieve Taekwondo. :-)  She's taking classes on a trial basis for now, and at the end of the month will need to make a tough choice between this and continuing on with dance classes.  We shall see....

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Young Jedi Knights

Last night we watched Star Wars for the first time, in preparation for today's Star Wars event at our local library.  Even Bree got into it!

Friday, August 1, 2014