Friday, January 30, 2015

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Oh Elsa....

Look what you did!  A blizzard....

This is what we woke up to on Tuesday morning (and this wasn't the end of it!)......  Thirty-six inches was the official snowfall recorded in Westford -- the highest accumulation in all of Massachusetts.

This isn't a snowbank, believe it or not.  It's just an area that hadn't yet been cleared.

In denial that there's a blizzard raging outside.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Snowy Day

It's been a while since we've had a decent snow, so the kids had a fun afternoon playing outdoors.  It was nice sticky snow, too.  Good for snowmen and snow sculpting.  Evidently, today is a practice run for the blizzard that we're expecting on Tuesday.....  

Some things never change....

Missing Mickey

Friday, January 23, 2015

Pajama Day!

Even Aiden wore his jammies to school today (last year he refused)!  Sadly, I forgot to take a pic before he left in the morning.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Getting Easier

Flying with Aiden on this vacation was awesome.  Now that he's become an independent (and avid) reader, he completely entertained himself.  Wonder if I can get Bree reading chapter books to herself before the kids and I fly back to Florida during April Vacation.  If I can, that trip will be a breeze!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Hollywood Studios

Today was a like a breath of fresh air at Hollywood Studios.  Someone remind me to steer clear of Disney on the weekends in the future.  The crowds were SOOO much more manageable today.

First stop, a quick picture with Chip & Dale.

Although the kids have never seen Honey, I Shrunk The Kids, they really enjoyed the playground.  I think Aiden & Sean even went back later in the day.  Aiden & Bree had different interests today, so we did a lot of separate "boy stuff" and "girl stuff" throughout the day.  Thank goodness for cellphones...

Meeting Lightening McQueen & Mater.

Bree enjoyed meeting some of the Disney Junior characters (Sophia the First and Jake), while Daddy & Aiden went to watch things get blown up.

Star Wars

Our vacation wouldn't have been complete without Mickey Mouse ice-cream treats.

It snowed in the theater at the conclusion of the Frozen Sing Along with Elsa & Anna.  So magical!

Sadly, Paddawan Training Academy was not on our radar until the classes were all filled up for the day.  Bummer.  We still had fun watching, though.

Or.....I guess I should say most of us had fun watching.  Poor Bree hid behind me in terror once Darth Vader made his appearance.

Waiting to see the Beauty & The Beast Show.  This was more her speed.  

Nose in a book again, while we wait to be seated for dinner at The Hollywood Brown Derby. 

We stayed late at the park tonight to catch the Fantasmic Show.  It was well worth the extra long day!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Bonefish Grill

Had we known there was a Bonefish Grill around the corner from our condo, we might have gone here the other night with Grammy & Grampy.  Downtown Disney was fun, but this was so much more relaxing (and the food was better!).

A Day of Rest

Monday we took a day off from the parks to chill out.  In the morning, we found a nice little mini-golf place nearby.  

Aiden scored a couple hole-in-ones.

And Daddy, too.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Good Luck Charm

Must have been -- because they won tonight!  Superbowl bound!

Animal Kingdom

Posing with Rafiki from Lion King. 

On the advice of a dear college friend who lost her battle with cancer last summer, we did the safari early the morning while the animals were still awake and alert.  (Side note:  Kelly was the biggest Walt Disney fan I've ever known.  She took many, many trips to Disney during her life -- including several with her own children, and even got engaged at Cinderella's Castle.  At one of her chemotherapy appointments nearly two years ago, I took pages of notes based on her past Disney experiences. Thank you, Kelly, for helping make our first family trip to Disney spectacular.  We miss you!!  xoxoxo)

Goofy waiting to meet Goofy (and Pluto).

Grammy took Bree to visit Donald while the rest of us attempted to use our DINOSAUR FastPass (another scary ride that she wasn't interested in....).  Sadly, the ride broke down (!!!) while we were in line.  Guess it's better that it broke down while we were in line vs. on it!

Afternoon delight.

Seeing characters at Disney isn't as easy as it used to be.  We waited in line for our one and only opportunity to see Mickey and Minnie, and I wasn't going to let Aiden off the hook this time.  He was none too happy about having his picture taken with the Disney icons.

Brienne brought special gifts for Mickey and Minnie all the way from home.  I wasn't sure if they were going to be allowed (or willing) to accept her tokens, but much to my delight they played right into it.  She was thrilled!

Taking a little breather while the boys are on a scary ride (The Primeval Whirl).

Daisy was so adorable.  I think she was one of my personal favorites.  :-)