Saturday, February 21, 2015

Hitting the Slopes

It was frigid and the winds were whippin' yesterday, so today was our one and only day for skiing.  Boo!  It was still super duper cold, but the winds weren't as bad today, and the sun was mostly shining.  Aiden refused a lesson, so skied he with me in the morning.

We stopped for a break, which may have been a mistake, because I couldn't get him back out after.....

No pictures - talk to the hand, Mom.

This little trouper made it nearly all the way through her all-day lesson.  It got pretty cold and windy after lunch, so I pulled her from the lesson an hour before it ended.  She skied the longest of all the kids AND many of the adults.  

Friday, February 20, 2015

Family Time

Aiden bonding with Miss Maggie.  <3

Her smile is infectious!  xoxo

Double trouble!

Liam turned 3 on Wednesday and Joe Joe turns 5 in a couple weeks, so we had some birthdays to celebrate this weekend!!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Sugarloaf Weekend

Our annual ski trip up to Sugarloaf was nearly cancelled due to bad weather expectations up North (despite the sun shiney day here in Massachusetts).  Bree came down the stairs this morning, dressed like spring, hoping that her outfit would change the weather and allow her to see her beloved cousins.

It worked!  The weather was mostly okay, except for maybe the last 20-30 minutes of the drive.  

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Saturday, February 14, 2015

My Favorite Valentines

Lego Drop-In

Daddy took the kiddos to the library this afternoon for the Lego Drop In.  This is Bree's castle creation.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Sugar Monster

Many thanks to all the parents who blatantly disregarded the school's rule about no candy with the Valentines.  Especially the parent who introduced Aiden to Fun Dip...... Gross!

Valentines or Halloween??  You be the judge.

Looks like he's oozing green.  Not to worry - it's just colored bath fizz.

Spirit Day

It's spirit day at school.  The kids were asked to dress in their best tropical attire to help will away all the snow.  We'll see if it works.....

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Valentines Cards

The kids have been busily working on Valentines for school and family.

This is the inside of Bree's card for Babchi.  I love her phonetic spelling!  Interpretation:  I hope you have a nice holiday.  :-)

Aiden designed his own Valentines for his classmates this year, by turning a folded heart into a mouse.  I was impressed by his creativity!

These are Bree's Pinterest Kitty Cat cards. 

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Help....I'm Drowning.....

Says our poor lil' snowman!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Yellow Belt

After many months of hard work, Bree got her first belt promotion today.  Way to go, Brienne!!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Superbowl Sunday!!

The neighborhood gang gathered this evening to cheer on the Patriots in Superbowl XLIX. Somewhere along the line, the girls transformed from Patriots Fans to Patriots Princesses.  

Thank you to Superintendent Bill Olsen for calling off school Monday (based on MORE anticipated snow!) by around 6pm on Sunday.  Since there was no rush to get home and put the kids to bed, they were able to hangout with their buddies (quite) a bit longer than I would normally have allowed on a school night.....

The game wasn't quite over when the kids & I departed, but the Patriots clenched the win over the Seahawks before Aiden was asleep.  I was able to give him the good news before he drifted off. :-)

*YAWN!*  So thankful for that snow day tomorrow!  :-)