Tuesday, August 30, 2016

First Day of School

First day at Crisafulli for this goober 3rd grader.....

Next up, the big kid on campus.....

Second grade -- here she comes!!

I think he rather liked getting home first this afternoon, and waiting with me at the bus stop for his little sister to get off the bus.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Last Hurrah at the Lake

We ended summer on a great note here at the lake.  The weather was gorgeous. The kids did lots of swimming and kayaking.   We got some boating and tubing in.  And even indulged in one last lobster feast.  Thanks, Grammy & Grampy, for a fantastic weekend!

Bree & Joe Joe

First time she's gotten a full lobster for herself.  She LOVED it!

Bree getting daring on a solo run!

Saturday, August 27, 2016

The Next Generation of Besties

These girls haven't seen each other in a while, but they were born to be besties, so it totally didn't matter.  Just like their mummas.

Boating, Tubing, Jumping into the Lake Fun with the Cousins

Uncle Barrio and Liam win the prize for crazy tubing stunts.

Aiden riding the waves.

My fav picture of the weekend!

Aiden & Dad getting crazy, too.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Frozen Custard

A little treat on the way to Grammy & Grampy's for the weekend!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Crisafulli Open House

3rd grade next week!  New school for Aiden.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016


We met our Mattapoisett friends for a little end of summer fun in Boston today.

First stop, the brick maze in the Rose Kennedy Greenway.

Took a walk down to the aquarium to check out the sea otters and boats on the harbor while waiting for the carousel to open.

After lunch at Joe's on the waterfront, the kids enjoyed themselves in the splash pad back at the greenway.  As you can see, they did not have any fun at all!

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Lowell Spinners - Taekwondo Performance

The Achieve Taekwondo school was invited to perform before the Lowell Spinners game this evening. Many weeks of practice have been devoted to perfecting the forms and drills that were exhibited tonight.  Kudos on a job well done, boys!

Aiden is all the way to the right in this group shot.

The girls chose not to perform, but they were excellent cheerleaders for their big brothers.

Game faces.

It was an unbearably hot evening.  Wish I could say that we made it to the end of the game, but by 6:30 or 7pm, we'd all had enough.  It was fun while it lasted....

Posing with the "Canal-igator" on the way out the door.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Margaritas Tradition

I've lost track of the number of years we've been doing this, but our back-to-school shoe shopping at Alec's in Nashua, is ALWAYS followed by dinner at Margaritas!  On the rocks, no salt, please.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Summer Beach Party Camp

Besties from school, enjoying a week of Summer Beach Party Camp at Edwards Beach.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Cookout at The Fellows

Our friends on the lake nearby invited us to a cookout this afternoon.  Super gorgeous day to be by the water!

Friday, August 12, 2016

Westford Swim & Tennis

We have our name on the wait list for a membership at Chelmsford Swim & Tennis, but in the meantime, we thought we'd check out the more local (less swanky) pool in Westford with our buddies this afternoon.

No Fear....

Fox 25 Zip Trip

Fox25 News was in the Town Common this morning for their featured weekly ZipTrip.  An unexpectedly fun (but sweaty) morning was had by the kiddos!

Bouncy houses were a highlight....

91 degrees in Westford, according to the weather girl and boy.

Candy after breakfast?? Sure, why not!  (The Kimball's tent had already stopped serving ice-cream by 9:30am.  I expect they ran out!!)