Thursday, May 31, 2018

Field Day

Back from a fun-filled Field Day!  (Aiden was too quick - I didn't get his picture.)  

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Strings Concert

Bree's first strings concert was this evening.  She loved playing the viola and will be continuing with the strings program again next year.

Grampy & Grammy made the trip down to see her perform.  

After the 3rd graders performed, they got to be part of the audience while the 4th and 5th graders took the stage.  

Saturday, May 26, 2018


We had an amazing fun-filled day today at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.  

Meet the first years! 

Professor Sprout places the Sorting Hat on Aiden's head. 

Next up, Brienne.  Both kids were sorted into Gryffindor, along with their friends.

Their first class this morning was Care of Magical Creatures.  

I think she escaped Azkaban....

Reading tea leaves in Divination class.

Posing with Professor Snape.  (This guy was the real deal!  LOL!)

Ready to catch the Hogwarts Express at Platform 9 3/4.

Staring in the pensive.

Potions class!

We nearly missed seeing He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and Dumbledore before we left for the day!

Butter Beer!  She wasn't much inclined to share.  It was sooooo good!

Aiden's new wand and sword (Not sure what relevance the sword has to Harry Potter, but he insisted on buying it --- with his own money, of course).  

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Happy 46th to This Guy!

Celebrating (a day late) with dinner at Burton's and homemade carrot cake at home.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Carpe Bee'M

We had a return visit to our favorite local bee keepers tonight.  This time we were there with Aiden's cub scout den.  It had been a couple of years since our last visit, but we certainly haven't stopped eating their amazing honey.  We powered through 4 pounds of their delicious Spring Berry Blossom this spring, staving off allergies.  Better than medicine, that's for sure!

Bree trying on the bee keeper outfit.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Thursday, May 17, 2018


Our one and only (terrible) photo of Aiden's first band concert.  That's him in the middle back.  He played the percussion this year, and made a last minute decision to continue on next year in 5th grade.

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream!

Aiden had some buddies over after the half-day of school today.  We went for a little treat at Sully's anticipating that everyone in Westford would be at Kimball Farm on this glorious day.  Delish!

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Bridging to Juniors

Bree's bridging ceremony was tonight.  She's officially a Junior Girl Scout now!

Great group of girls.  She's made new friends, and kept some old.  

So proud!

Ted's Excellent Adventures

The class bear, Ted, came home with Bree for a few days.  Today he got to go to Taekwondo. 

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Mother's Day

Met our Maine Family in Portsmouth for a delicious brunch.  Aiden ate his body weight in cured meat.

A little post-brunch shopping for this momma.  Got a great dress, a shirt and a couple pairs of cute earnings. :-)

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Apple Blossom Parade

Final year marching as a Cub Scout in Pack 96. 

Bree and I found some friends to watch the parade and collect candy with.

She'll never get used to the sound of the muskets being fired.  LOL!

Our awesome librarians.  Reading Rocks!

Big Smiles!

Friday, May 11, 2018

Family Fun Fest

The Triple Threat!

Westford Museum

In all the 12 years we've lived in Westford, today was my first trip to the museum in the center of town, accompanying Bree's 3rd grade class field trip.  What a cool place!  I can't wait to go back and explore at a more leisurely pace.

Learning about the cotton mills.

Getting an education on Westford's granite.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Cake Walk

Here's our creations for the Cake Walk at this year's Family Fun Fest at school.  Pretty darn cute, if I do say so myself.  Sure hope Aiden or Bree win one of them!!

Marshmallow sheep.

Roaring Campfire.