Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Happy Birthday, Harry Potter!

Celebrating Mr. Potter at our town library.  They really go all out!

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Summer Sleepovers & Adventures

It was a kid-swap sleepover with the Sperry's last night.  I think I scored getting the boys.  

How could I say no when Andrew requested my crepes for breakfast?!

It was a beautiful morning for a short hike on the Stone Arch Bridge Trail.

"Dabbing" down below.

Getting eaten by a swamp monster....

Glorious Mount Trashmore.  LOL!

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Heritage Swim Meet

Last meet of the season before champs!

Pretty sure this child has found her passion....

This boy went from not diving at all to diving perfection practically overnight!

Next in line in the bullpen. (And always with the tongue hanging out.... *sigh*)

Excellent meet for this one!  He broke 3 PRs today in 50 free, 50 breast, and 25 fly! 

Bree also had a great meet.  She beat her PRs in 25 free and 25 breast!

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Pool Party!

Bree opted for a pool party at Westford Swim & Tennis this year to celebrate #9 with her friends.

Hamming it up with our watermelon prop.  :-)

Burst a balloon, win a prize!

The high dive, of course, was a huge hit!

What a great group of girls.  We were so happy to have them join us for a fun afternoon at WST.  :-)


Welcome to the 1st Annual Yu-Gi-Oh Tournament.  Organized by Aiden, Finn and Cooper.  Yu-Gi-Oh is something like Pokemon, but don't ask me what it's all about.  I just know that the boys are more interested in this card game than actually swimming at the pool.  LOL! They've have been planning this tournament all summer long and today is finally the big day.  I love all the time and effort they've invested into this event, and from what I understand, it was a raging success.  :-)

Monday, July 23, 2018


Happy birthday to my baby girl! You're growing up way too fast.....

Dinner at Evviva Cucina.  Birthday girl's choice. 

A fancy fan from Nan & Pop.

A dream catcher with perfect colors for her newly decorated bedroom.

One of the many perfect items of clothing from Nan & Pop.  Nan sure does know her taste!  She hits the nail on the head every year.  

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Birthday #1 at the Lake

Kicking off Bree's summer celebrations (Aiden's furious that her birthday always seems to go on forever.  LOL!) at Grammy & Grampy's house in Maine.

Boat ride!

The tubing was fun while it lasted.  The rope broke and the tube popped not long after takeoff.  But never fear --- Grampy was on Amazon searching for a replacement by the time evening fell.

Some diving / jumping fun after the tubing failure.

Cake time!  Happy (early) birthday, Bree! xoxo

Goss Berry Farm

Some great picking today at our favorite berry farm in Maine.  Yummy!