Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Happy Halloween

Finished our Halloween puzzle just in the nick of time!

Trick-or-Treat from Hermione Granger and my stealth ninja.

The neighborhood hoodlums.

Harvest Parties

Today's Harvest Parties at school.

Aiden's 5th grade class.

My class clown.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Belt Promotion

Bree was promoted to her Green / Purple belt today.  :-)

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Breakfast Date

Muffins on Main with this sweetie before school, while Aiden's at morning band practice.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Tween Yoga

The newest yogi in our family.

Think Like An Engineer

The Troop is working on their "Think Like An Engineer" journey this year.  Today they worked in teams to build structures out of newspaper and cardboard that could support the weight of several books.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Southwick's Zoo

Spent a fun day at Southwick's Zoo with the Osborne ladies today!

Friday, October 19, 2018

Halloween Party

Aiden's new Taekwondo School hosted a Halloween Party this evening, kicking it off with a bit of "Trunk-or-Treating". 

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Time to Go Home Yet??

Pretty sure this hair hasn't been brushed since Friday morning.  Yikes!

We had an extra roommate in our tent last night -- a very homesick little friend.  And by morning, half the troop had joined us.  This tent IS NOT big enough for this many kids!!  Help!!

I should have taken a "before picture" of my crew on Friday afternoon, when everyone was all excited and happy about the camping trip.  Their faces looked quite different upon pulling into my driveway today!  Tired is an understatement.

Saturday, October 13, 2018


We survived the first overnight (barely).  The rain started around 10am this morning and continued until late afternoon.  It was a cold and damp at camp, but that didn't stop the girls from having a blast.

On our way to opening ceremony.

Indoor Scrabble Rock Climbing.

String Art.

Perhaps the most impressive event of the day -- high ropes course.  I think I was more scared than Bree, and I didn't even go up!

Katniss Everdeen wannabe.

Bree was kinda mad that we pitched our own tent vs. sleeping in these open air tents with the rest of her troop.  She briefly put her anger aside this morning when the girls in this tent were screaming about the "giant spiders" on the wall of their tent....  For the record - I will never sleep in these Girl Scout issued tents.  No way!  No how!  LOL! 

Friday, October 12, 2018


First night of our 2-Night Girl Scout Camporee at Camp Wind In the Pines in Plymouth.  Our little crew was the first to arrive.  

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Belated Back to School Shopping

Girls shopping day at the Merrimack Outlets.  We did some damage.....

Popcorn Salesman

Saturday, October 6, 2018


A belated 11th birthday celebration for my "tween" today at Roller Kingdom.  

There was a wide variety of skill level on the roller rink.  A couple of the boys were expert.  A couple were okay.  And a couple were hopeless (birthday boy included!! LOL!!).  It was rather entertaining to watch.  (In case you're wondering - no, I absolutely did not put roller skates on myself!)


Someone take this girl to Vegas!!