Friday, May 31, 2019

Treasure Island

The night we've all be waiting for!  The 5th graders take to the stage tonight with their rendition of Treasure Island.

Some of the pirates, including Tattoo Charlie -- played by Charlie.

The entire cast.

Not sure that Aiden will be furthering his experience with theater, but the kids sure did a great job and had a lot of fun!

Food Pantry - Take Action Project

As part of their "journey" this year, Bree's troop did a project for the Food Pantry.  The girls created a cookbook, with recipes that include common ingredients stocked at the Food Pantry in town.  Today we visited the pantry to present their project.  It was very well received.  :-)

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Field Day

It's field day!  Yipee!


Pirate ship snacks for tomorrow's cast party.  Aiden's in the 5th grade play -- Treasure Island.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Bad Parents?

We are here.....🌴

Missing this....🎺🎼

(Memorial Day Concert)

And this.....🎻🎢

(Strings Concert)

Saturday, May 18, 2019

A Visit from the Grandparents

Grammy & Grampy are visiting (and babysitting for the next week!!).  The ladies spent the afternoon getting manis and pedis.  

And this evening we took Grampy out to celebrate his birthday.  He turned 69 (!!!!) today!

Tree Top Adventures

Meanwhile....Aiden was away this weekend on another 2-night Boy Scout trip.  The focus of this trip was a high adventure course at Tree Top Adventures in Canton.  Photo courtesy of Jim Sperry.

Apple Blossom Parade

This was Bree's first year marching in the Apple Blossom Parade. She was bit distraught, knowing that this meant forgoing collection of candy that's traditionally thrown out into the crowd of onlookers....

Monday, May 13, 2019

GaaGaa, GooGoo

Someone got into some boxed up baby treasures in her closet....  Always the comedian.....  

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Mother's Day

Love these two to pieces!  XOXO

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Mother's Day Flower Sale

Aiden's Boy Scout Troop runs the annual Mother's Day Flower sale in the center of town.  The boys had a very successful sale, from what I understand.  Sold all their inventory by the early afternoon.  Great job, boys!

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Last Swim Meet

Last swim meet of the season for us, before the summer season begins.  Bree took a pass today, since we were coming home from Camporee, but we made it to the meet in time to see Aiden's last 2 events.  He had a stellar meet, achieving new personal bests in his 50 breast, 50 free and 50 back!  He took 3rd place in backstroke and 4th place in breaststroke.  Way to go, Aiden!!!


Thankfully, the bulk of the rain happened overnight, and was basically over and done with by the time it was time to pack up camp in the morning.  These girls are really digging the camping.  We'll see where our next adventure takes us. :-)

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Westford Camporee

Our troop joined the Westford Girl Scouts this weekend in Pelham, NH for a town wide encampment.  The weather wasn't the best, but the girls had a great time, nonetheless.

Many activities were planned for the girls, including......

making dreamcatchers....

a low ropes course.....

and soap carving....

Back at our own campsite, the girls also learned how to build a fire....

and how to (safely) use a jackknife. 

In the evening, the girls had dessert buffet.  Nothing like sugaring everyone up before bedtime.  One of the favorite treats was these campfire banana boats.