Saturday, September 28, 2019

Celebrating #12

With his best buddies.

Middlemiss Big Heart 5k

Today we ran the Joey Middlemiss Big Heart 5k.  Scott Middlemiss is the kids' former elementary
school vice principal, and also a former work colleague of mine (20 years ago in Norwalk, CT!).  Six years ago, Scott lost his eldest son (age 6) to cardiomyopathy.  Their second child, Jack,  who was an infant when Joey passed away, also has the same heart condition.  Jack was a granted the gift of a heart transplant I think about 1 1/2 years ago.  Their life is not easy, but Jack is doing great.  The foundation that Scott and his wife created aims to spread kindness, empower children, fund cardiomyopathy research, and support families dealing with pediatric cardiac conditions.  We were so happy to be a part of this remarkable event today.  ðŸ’™

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Parent Open House

Got to check out Aiden's new digs (and teachers) at the middle school tonight.  He's loving Blanchard so far!

First Away Meet

In Concord today for meet #2.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Aiden's First Cross Country Meet

Aiden's running cross country this fall (because our schedule isn't crazy enough these days....)  Today was their first meet -- at home against Bedford.

Both teams were in blue, which made it a little confusing.  ðŸ˜…

Coming in for the finish!

These guys are going to have a fun season together.  :-)

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Camping Day 2

This kiddo gets some good sleeps when we're outdoors.  

He seems to have claimed this as his spot.

Today we explored another new trail -- North Mountain Trail.  It was a higher elevation than what we've done in previous years, but the summit was anticlimactic.  We hiked right past it, and didn't even notice.  No stellar views at the top, but it was still a fun day (....minus my run-in with one of those darn caterpillars.  Thank goodness I brought shorts to change into in my day pack!)

One of our duck friends looking for a handout.  Totally not the least bit afraid of humans.

Now there's an interesting reading spot.

Girl Scouts can start fires, too.

Pretty sweet spot.  If we come back to Pawtuckaway again, we might just stick with this site.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Exploring New Aspects of Pawtuckaway

In a couple of weeks, Aiden's Boy Scout Troop has a bouldering trip planned here at Pawtuckaway.  We decided to take a sneak peak of the bouldering fields today to see what it's like.

Yup - those are some big rocks!

These devilish caterpillars are the newest thing to fear in New England.  The Hickory Tussock can apparently give those who are allergic a terrible burning and itchy rash.  Beware!!


Nice that we have a Boy Scout to build our fires for us now.  :-)

This is the life!

Aiden cooked us dinner tonight.  Meatball subs.  Yum!

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Birthday Camping Trip

Our welcoming committee upon arrival.  We're trying out a new campsite (at Pawtuckaway) this year.

The birthday boy requested bratwurst and potatoes for his birthday dinner.  Sound like a good camping meal to me!

Happy 12th birthday, Aiden!  We love you!  XOXO

Sleeping in his new tent tonight.  Momma bear is a little anxious about not having all her babies surrounding her in the big tent tonight.  Guess he's growing up......😢

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Light the Night

This year was our 5th Light The Night walk -- raising money for and awareness of Lymphoma and Leukemia.  It's always such an amazing and emotional night.  Thank you so much to our friends and family who donated to our cause this year!!  XOXO

Exploring Gloucester

Continental Breakfast at the Friendship House before the girls go exploring.

Stage Fort Park -- conveniently located across the street from where the girls stayed.

Hammond Castle.  The pictures are so cool!  I can't wait to go there someday, myself.

How would you like your eggs?

Aiden and I have a rare morning just the two of us, while Sean is away in Canada on a fishing trip, and Bree's on a Girl Scout overnight.  He made me breakfast this morning!  The boy is growing up.  ðŸ’™

Friday, September 13, 2019

Friendship House

Bree's on an overnight in Gloucester tonight with her Girl Scout Troop.  They're staying at the Friendship House.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Bulls Eye....well...almost

Our neighbor built an ax throwing target.  Of course, it's a huge hit with all the boys (and husbands...).

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Kitter Trading Post

In his glory exploring camping gear.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Farmers Market

The Farmers' Market is back in Westford this year, after a one year (?) hiatus.  Not much incentive for us to go, since we do the CSA share with Spring Dell Farm, but we happened to be going to the library today to get some books for this one, so we popped in for an organic snow cone.  No, it's not grey goose flavored.  It's blue raspberry, of course.....

Monday, September 2, 2019

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Family Bike Ride

With an incentives!