Sunday, June 28, 2020

High Tea

COVID-19 tried to interfere with our annual tradition, but we persevered.  We originally were supposed to go to the Courtyard Tea Room in the Boston Public Library this year, but it has not yet re-opened (plus we weren't too keen on going into Boston, given the pandemic).  Supriya found a place in New Hampshire that was open, and had good safety protocols in place.  The Cozy Tea Cart did not disappoint.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Fun Stuff Outside the Library

Our library might be closed because of COVID-19, but the childrens' librarians sure are doing their best to keep the kids entertained.  

Meet Lumpy Lizard Pants. 😂(Those are the biggest tighty whities I’ve ever seen!!!)

Walking book story.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Beautiful Berries!

Loving the pick-your-own berries for CSA members at Springdell Farm this year!

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Family Time at The Lake

Found Bree out on the dock trying capturing minnows.  A favorite past time of my own childhood.  

Kayaking with my boy.


Aiden tried water skiing today.  He wasn't successful, but was soooo close!  He'll get it later this summer, I'm sure.

Babchi has been alternating between Grammy's house and Aunt Cindy's house since March.  She'll be headed to an assisted living apartment soon, but COVID-19 has complicated matters.  We were happy to see her today, as we're not sure when we'll be able to see her next.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Happy 70th Grammy & Grampy!!

Grammy turned 70 on Thursday, and Grampy turned 70 in Florida (by himself!) last month.  Time to celebrate!!

Turns out birthday hats can double as face masks!  LOL!

After dinner, we ventured to Auntie Renee and Uncle Adam's new house on Taylor Pond.  Such a great spot!

Goof balls.

Hello Maine! We've missed you!

We haven't seen Grammy & Grampy since Sugarloaf in FEBRUARY!  Technically, we're not supposed to be in Maine right now without a negative COVID-19 test and/or without quarantining for 2 weeks.  Eeek!  Hope nobody turns us in....

Thursday, June 18, 2020

T-Shirt Delivery

Surprise package from Nan, included some awesome t-shirts for the kiddos.   The Moab mountain biking shirt is right up Aiden's ally these days.

Forge Beach

Just Like The Good Ol' Days!  The pool might not be open yet, but lucky for us we live a mile and a half from this beautiful little beach.  So happy to be spending some time here with good friends.  💗

The kids finally got to try out the new play ground that was finished sometime over the winter, but never opened until recently, thanks to COVID-19.

Cowboy Cookies

This recipe is a keeper!  Sooooo yummy!

Always the clown....

Reluctant Running Buddy