Saturday, October 31, 2020

A Halloween Like None Other

Welcome to Halloween....COVID-style.  We're lucky, in that many other towns cancelled trick-or-treating this year, including Littleton which is just down the road.  It's allowed in Westford, but standard COVID protocol must be followed.  Keep 6 feet social distance, wear a mask, stay in small groups, etc..  In addition to the miseries of COVID -- it's is COLD outside.  Most of the snow from yesterday has melted, but still.....Brrrrrrrr!!!!

Aiden's granny costume was a hit!

Bree and Asha went as Charlie Brown and Snoopy.  Pretty cute!

The neighborhood "pod".

Households handing out candy were encouraged to leave it on a table outside.....

.....or get creative with how to hand it out with no contact.  This family served up candy on long rakes that were decked out for Halloween.  

Following trick-or-treat, a couple of the neighborhood families came to our house for a fire pit and drinks / pre-packaged snacks.  Note the hand sanitizer and wipes on the table.  Sign of the times...

It didn't appear that we got any trick-or-treaters (as usual), but we were prepared just-in-case, with individually packaged bags full of candy.

Adult treats!


Another Teenager

Happy 13th birthday to Srivas!  Outdoor, COVID-style birthday celebration today.


Friday, October 30, 2020

I'm Dreaming of a White....Halloween

Ugh!  October in New England.  This is the pits.  Feels like we should be baking Christmas cookies....

....not doing THIS!

On the plus side, this is the first year that they scooped and carved their pumpkins completely independently.  Good work, kids!


Sunday, October 25, 2020


I just couldn't help taking a picture of her cute face, all snuggled in, and still sound asleep.  Pretty chilly mornings, when you're camping this time of year....


Saturday, October 24, 2020

Exploring Greenfield State Park

It's a bit of an overcast day in Greenfield, NH, but still nice enough to enjoy the great outdoors.  After lunch down by the lake at our campground, we set off to do some exploring elsewhere.

Our neighbors joined us up here today.  The boys will stay overnight, but the girls (including Mazie the pup) are just here for the day.

Lots of neat cairns along our hike today.

Gorgeous view -- especially when the clouds cleared a little bit.

Looks like a good place for a snack break!

At the summit.

Our magical fire pit in the evening after dinner.

Friday, October 23, 2020

First "Glamping" Trip in the New Camper

First road trip - Greenfield State Park.  Life is good!


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Happy Campers!

So this happened today.  We're excited for some fun adventures ahead!


Court of Honor - COVID Style

It's been many months since Aiden's troop was able to hold its last Court of Honor.  We had a picture perfect fall day today for an outdoor, socially distanced ceremony to recognize the hard work that these kids have accomplished since the start of the pandemic.

Aiden earned 5 merit badges since the last COH, most of which were accomplished remotely (or mostly remote).  He earned:  swimming, wilderness survival, photography, personal fitness, and chess (which Sean actually led).  Good job, buddy!  We're so proud of you! XO


Saturday, October 17, 2020

Light the Night

Light the Night was virtual this year due to the COVID pandemic.  We gathered with our usual group, at the home of our very special 9 year old friend, Shravan, who just wrapped up 2 years of treatment for t-cell lymphoma.  Lots to celebrate this year!

Bree put a "DAMPer" on the night, when she fell into the Arun's hot tub when the kids were playing hide & seek in the dark. It was a cold night for a swim!  😂


We're Getting a Kitten

Someone is very excited that Daddy finally said yes!  Check out this video to see her reaction when she found out....

Meet Francesca -- Frankie for short.  She was born on September 14th, so she's not quite ready to come home with us just yet.  We're all so excited to meet her!


Friday, October 9, 2020

Choo Choo!

We haven't had a family game night in awhile.  Finally getting a chance to play Mexican Train - a gift from Auntie Renee and Uncle Adam for Aiden's birthday last month.  So fun!


Thursday, October 8, 2020

6 Feet Apart - Girl Scouts

We're finally wrapping up the educational piece of our Bronze Award project.  The girls are making a video to educate the community about food insecurity.  They had originally planned the educational piece of their project to be done live, in person, but alas -- COVID.  It's been a year long project at this point.  We're all glad to see the light at the end of the tunnel!


Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Fire Building

Working on some Scout requirements tonight.  Hopefully they don't take points off for wearing flip flops while using a saw!😳