Sunday, April 24, 2011


It was really cool to see Aiden get into the whole Easter Bunny thing this year. He was SOOOO excited! So excited, in fact, that he was downstairs long before anybody else. Little did the Easter Bunny know that the tissue paper he placed inside Brienne's basket would act as a burglar alarm of sorts, alerting Mommy to the fact that Aiden was up to no good while the rest of us were still in bed!

Thrilled with her new Dora the Explore big wheel bike.

Coloring with her new "da-dos".

Checking out his Super Why flashcards that the Easter Bunny brought.

We brought some of Aiden's "Wicked Decorated Cookies" to Auntie Deb's house for Easter Dinner. Sure hope my family likes sugar.....

Snuggles with Grammy in lieu of a nap.

The Easter Bunny made a stop in Gloucester, too! Lots of cool beach stuff and other goodies.

Taking the new bike for its first spin outdoors.

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