Thursday, August 15, 2013

Back at the Campsite...

Aiden & Iain busied themselves making forts.  There was a "boy fort" and a "girl fort" that they built into the roots of 2 enormous fallen trees.  I think the one pictured below was actually the girl version, but the boys pitched in with the construction.

Bree gets a hula-hooping lesson from Alison.  

If the campfire is too hot, you can always toast marshmallows over your shoulder….

A very dirty princess.

Sticking to a bedtime schedule was a little tough when all the adults were sitting around the campfire still having fun six feet away from where the kiddos were supposed to be sleeping.  So, we relaxed our rules a bit, and let the kids stay up late.  Although the pictures didn't come out great, we enjoyed watching Alison and Auntie Kelly strut their stuff with the illuminated hula-hoops and poi.  It was quite a show!

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