Saturday, June 6, 2009

Harvard Reunion Weekend

Sean's college roommates from the 10-Man were in town for the Class of '94 (!!!) reunion. The kids had just as much fun (if not more!) than the adults. Great weather, food and company! We couldn't have asked for a better day for a cookout.

Izzy McKay pushes Aiden around in his wheelbarrow.

Aiden and Izzy were inseparable all day long. So cute!

The next generation of Harvard Grads!
Andrew Rochon, Graham Reynolds, Emily Rochon, Anna Christensen, Calla Wilcox, Matthew Rochon, Rachel Christensen, Isabael McKay, Aiden, Rachel Christensen. Missing from the photo due to naptime were Tobie Wilcox and Calder Silverton.

Come on, Izzy!

Graham and Aiden play ball.

Hard to be angry at this cute little face peeking through the flowers, even though he totally crushed half the flower bed! :-)

Izzy and Aiden taking a break to rehydrate.

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