Saturday, March 6, 2010

Hello Sunshine!

Okay - let me admit right off the bat that we went a little picture crazy this weekend. Blame it on the fresh air. Spring -- are you here to stay?? I hope so!!

I'm sure the quality of pictures once posted to the blog won't do this one justice...but, Brienne's eyes are SOOO unbelievably blue in this first shot. And you can see the reflection of the house, the yard, and me taking her picture in her eyes. Definitely one of my all time favorites!

Going for a little stroll.

Back home, getting ready to play some hoops with Daddy.

Fresh air makes me sleepy! By the way, this was her first walk not in the infant carrier. She loved being able to face forward like a big girl....until she fell asleep, that is....

Last year Daddy needed to lift me up so I could reach the hoop. This year I'm ready for the Celtics!

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