Saturday, July 31, 2010

Cookout with Our Buddies

Brienne and the 3 shirtless wonders. For some reason Aiden insisted on being shirtless (which he's never done before...??), and as the saying goes -- Monkey See, Monkey Do.

Brienne and her boyfriends, the Maclean boys, peaking through the window.

Yum - chocolate!

Bree loves pushing around the little wooden wheelbarrow that Pop made for Daddy when he was a little boy. She goes so fast that she's sure to give Mommy a heart attack one of these days. Can we please master walking before we try running, Brienne???

Brienne's first kiss! xoxo

Action shots!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Andrea and the Triplets

The long drive home

Thank goodness for the DVD player!

Wiped Out

So many parties! This one was for cousin Joseph's baptism. I'm tired.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

WAY past my bedtime....

Ladybug Birthday Party

Auntie shows Brienne how to party like a rock star! (PS - the yellow punk rock eyeshadow, if you can see it, is courtesy of Grammy. They were sniffing flowers with some serious skin staining pollen before the party.)

Nice burp rag, Uncle Barrio. Isn't Joseph sleeping??

Mommy's favorite boys.

Racing with cousin Johanna.

Happy Birthday to you....

Happy birthday, dear Brienne....

Hmmm.... we appear to have no "messy" cake pictures. Will have to steal some from all of our Auntie and Great Aunties Facebook pages. There are some GOOD ones!

Uncle Barrio gave a little concert after a few too many Coronas.

Bree got a baby doll....or two...or three.... A little girl can't have enough baby dolls, right?? :-)

Wicked cool hat from Auntie Renee! Ay-uh.

Holy hair! Who needs mouse, when you can use all natural buttercream frosting?!?

Great Pepere and cousin Joseph.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Happy Birthday, Ladybug! xoxo

Rise & shine, birthday girl!!

Mom -- the flash is killing me...Open the shade, will ya?

Happy Birthday, Bree!


Blueberries! Breakfast of champions.

FiberOne and kiwi. Equally delicious.

Grande Vanilla Latte to keep me awake for the long drive to Maine.

I'll call Grammy, let her know we're on our way.

We made it!

It's been a long day.

Night night.

Off to bed, peeps. I have a big day tomorrow....

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Pout

Okay -- granted she was under the weather, and probably entitled to some pouting and even a bit of crying...

oh that's a good one.....


....clearly she can turn it on and turn it off at will.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010


Certified (by me) organic, from Aiden's garden.

Gender Roles

Brienne drives the tractor while Aiden plays with the pink teapot (a birthday gift to Bree from playmates Adam & Ethan).

My little tomboy makes driving noises (brrr brrr) while driving the toy tractor.

This tea party was nowhere near as civilized as it might appear in the photo.