Friday, July 9, 2010

Brienne's 1st First Birthday Party

We had a pre-1st birthday party for Brienne before Nan & Pop's big move to the West Coast. (There will be another at the lake in 2 weeks, the day after her actual birthday.) Here's the birthday girl enjoying her second dinner of the night.

Pop made his famous pizza for our party. Oh comes the pizza delivery man now!

And Mommy baked cupcakes. Aiden helped decorate them.

Pretty daisy centerpiece picked by Aiden from our garden.

The guest of honor acting goofy.

And her equally goofy big brother.

What kind of parents would we be if we didn't let Brienne try her first bite of Pop's pizza at her very own birthday party? So what if it was her 3rd dinner of the night.

She loved it!

This slice was more her size.

Next up, first taste of cupcake....

Every kid knows the frosting is the best part. you think she liked it???

Aiden busily helps Brienne open her presents, while the birthday girl licks the flavor-savors off of her arm.

I'm starting to wonder if there's something lacking in Bree's diet that makes her want to eat paper....

...and ladybugs....

Party's over, Mom. I wanna go to bed.

But first a few more pics with Nan & Pop.

Goodnight kisses for Daddy.

Off to bed everyone! Thanks for the great party! xoxo

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