Friday, August 27, 2010

Southwick Zoo (Mendon, MA)

Sean was off work (before starting a new job) this week, so we decided to do something fun with the kids. Aiden was just a wee one last time we visited the Southwick Zoo, so it was definitely time to make a return trip. Took a "few" more pictures this time around. Hahaha!! As ususal, you can blame Sean for the picture overload. I already halved the number I originally was going to post!!

First stop, Kangaroos!! Not the best picture, but kangaroos remind us of Pop, and we really, really miss Pop.

Probably the only picture of a semi-smile from Aiden in the petting zoo.

Brienne not only wanted to pet the animals, but give them kisses, too. Yuck.

The deer forest was really cool. There were HUNDREDS of deer, and they would come right up to you...if you had food to give them. They pretty much dissed us since we didn't offer them anything to eat. At one point, about 40 or 50 deer came sprinting across the walking trail at full speed. Not sure what they were running from, but it was an amazing sight!

Catching a better view of something....the rhino, maybe?

Don't call DSS, but yes, we let Brienne go on a few of the kiddie rides with her big brother. She was in heaven! Something tells me she's gonna have a really good time when we go to Storyland in a couple of weeks.

One of the rides had a height requirement which Brienne didn't meet, so Sean distracted her with the monkeys. Again....don't call DSS. I swear I only left Aiden on the ride for one quick second to snap these photos.

Aiden wanted to know where the steering wheel was. Is it bad that I totally lied to him and told him the GUN was a steering wheel??? He's too young for us to be explaining guns to him, right???

One more ride on the flying bears before our departure. It was a LONG day!

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