Saturday, September 11, 2010


Took the kiddos to Storyland with our friends, the Macleans. We had beautiful weather on Saturday, but sadly headed home early on Sunday due to overcast skies and drizzle. I think I was more heartbroken than the kids....probably they are too young to experience disappointment, I guess. In any case, we took too many pictures -- but this time you can blame Grammy. It was at her request that we took a lot!

Aiden wanted no part of The Old Woman in the Shoe.... Here they both are looking a little overwhelmed in those first few minutes after we arrived. Good thing we took them here before attempting Disney!

Silly leprechaun.

My Mom has a picture of me at age 2 sitting on this tuffet. Check back later...hopefully I'll have a scan of it to add to the blog.

My lil' blackbirds baked in a pie. xoxo

Having a ball!

These two were kissing fools all weekend. Too cute!

Adam & Aiden using the buddy system.

Leaning in for another kiss. This time on the Hot Air Balloon / Ferris Wheel. How romantic! I don't think I've ever been kissed on a Ferris Wheel....

Ethan slipped his arm around her shoulder when he thought Bree's Daddy wasn't looking....

View of the mountains from atop the Ferris Wheel.

Another long day for Brienne. She snoozed for about an hour in the stroller while the boys went on some other rides.

Yikes! In 13 more years, he'll be driving for REAL!

Ethan got lonely, and woke Bree up from her stroller nap. The first thing she did when she opened her eyes was blow him kisses!

Walking the plank. And as it turned out, this was our last Storyland picture. So sad. We can't wait to go back next year!

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