Wednesday, October 31, 2012

WPS Halloween Parade

For the second year running, Trick-or-Treat in Westford has been postponed due to Mother Nature's "tricks."  This year it was Hurricane Sandy that wiped out power to many homes in town 2 days ago.  Luckily, we were not impacted this time around.  Aiden's preschool Halloween parade and party took place, as scheduled, so that helped alleviate some of the disappointment of no Trick-or-Treat later tonight (whew!).

Bree dressed up for the Halloween festivities at the gym daycare.  Her (and Ethan's) preschool party will be tomorrow.  Stay tuned!  

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Pumpkin Carving

I decided to put Sean in charge of the pumpkin carving this year (….after I scooped out the gory insides, that is...).  Lucky for him, I actually invested in the proper tools AND a book of stencils this year (from which Aiden choose which one he wanted Daddy to carve).  The end result -- a masterpiece that puts my prior pumpkins to shame!

Bree "helped" by staying out of the way and nursing her Ring Pop from yesterday's birthday goody bag.

Nice work, boys!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Frightful 5th Birthday

Happy 5th Birthday, Adam!

Bree is the ballerina monkey second from the left, and Aiden is the green dragon in the middle (next to the blue birthday cyclops).

Who wants cake?!?

Friday, October 26, 2012

I think she killed the frog….

Let the Halloween Festivities Begin!

My monkey ballerina and her BFF.  xoxo

100% focus on Halloween legos.

Teamwork is what it took to get to the end of the spider web maze.  Aiden & Lexi claim their prizes.

Halloween Treats

Pumpkin cupcakes with cream cheese frosting and candy corn decorations for our Halloween Playdate this afternoon.  Yum!

SCARY candy corn cupcakes!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Preschool Field Trip

I had the pleasure of chaperoning Aiden's preschool field trip to the Acton Discovery Museum this week.  As usual, Aiden & Adam were inseparable….

Practicing scary Halloween faces (on top of a rainbow….).

Snack time, mates.  Time to disembark the pirate ship.

I think the highlight of the morning was the bus ride!  Maybe once they are in kindergarten next year, riding the bus won't be the most exciting part of the trip anymore.  LOL!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Sunday, October 21, 2012


I guess we've gotten a little less "picture crazy" since Aiden's very first Touch-A-Truck event 3 years ago.  Mommy was volunteering (this is a preschool fundraiser) while Daddy took the kids around.  The one and only picture we have this year is courtesy of a friend!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

No Fussy Eaters Here!

Daddy was concerned for about a half a second that the kids wouldn't like the food at PF Chang's.  Boy was he ever wrong!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Stop, Drop and Roll

The #1 thing Bree learned during Fire Prevention Week!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Post #1,000

Wow!  Guess we've done a lot of blogging in the past 5+ years. Go Pats!

Happy Birthday, Hannah!

Fun afternoon at Tumble Kids!

Posing for a quick picture with the birthday girl.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Science Geeks

Got a little geeked-out on science today at the Ecotarium in Worcester.  

The kids thought it was hilarious watching Grammy nearly get blown away by hurricane force winds.

The sun came out just in the nick of time so we could explore the outdoor grounds and animals before returning home.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

"Nan's Park"

Hope Nan doesn't mind that we took Grammy to her park.
