Sunday, December 30, 2012

Yay for Snow!

Love, love, lovin' the snow!

Cinderella Meets Legos

More Disney and more Legos -- all wrapped into one.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Magic of Disney

We took the kids to Disney on Ice this afternoon.  Mommy's now been bit by the Disney bug, and Daddy's trying to convince her it will pass.  The kids LOVED the show.  And as expected, Brienne was star struck by all the princesses.  She firmly believed that Ariel was waving solely to her. :-)

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Mmmmm!! Chili

Daddy makes yummy chili!  

And amazingly, she always finds room for dessert, too!

Legos, Legos and More Legos

Aiden's more interested in Bree's Lego Friends City Cafe than Bree is.  Luckily, she didn't mind him taking over.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Day

We woke up this morning to a glorious white Christmas!  And what do you know -  Santa brought sleds! Sadly the snow turned wet and sloppy later in the day, so we didn't get to use the sleds right away (at least not outdoors…)

Santa brought Bree a lovely little highchair for her baby dolls.  (Her favorite food to feed the baby is a wooden lemon.  That's what all babies like to eat, right??)

The Batcave!

A new princess dress -- from Aiden.  xoxo

The kids got Daddy a globe for his new office.  Now we just gotta get those bookshelves built so he has a place to put it!

Bree was in awe of the musical jewelry box that we got her for Christmas.  She might be a little bit young for it, but I couldn't resist the pink ballerina.  Hopefully she won't break it!  (So far, so good -- knock on wood.)

Enjoying a special book from cousins Jahla and Zoe.

Back to Lego Land.

Merry Christmas, Little Loves!  xoxo

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

It was a quiet Christmas Eve --  just the four of us.  Aiden spent much of the day building the various Legos that he received over the weekend, including the space Lego below from Uncle Barrio and Auntie Meg.

Sometime in the afternoon, we let the kids each open one of their gifts from Oregon.  Aiden was super excited to get one of the dinosaur Legos that he had so desperately wanted from Nan & Pop.  

Bree shows off a princess book -- also from Nan & Pop.  

Christmas Eve dinner for the kiddos concluded with reindeer cookies that we made earlier in the day.

We shared some of our home baked cookies with Santa, and also left some carrots for his reindeer.

…..and some tomatoes for his reindeer, at Bree's insistence.  Girl loves her "tomaties" -- sort of surprised she was so willing to share them!

And a quick note to Santa, so that he knows the plate of food is for him.

One last photo before visions of sugar plums dance in their heads.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Couture Christmas in Kennebunkport

Today we celebrated Christmas with Grammy's side of the family.  Uncle Steve & Aunt Susan graciously hosted our ever growing clan.

Upside Down Bree.

Upside Down Aiden.

Silly Faces.

The youngest generation.

Princess and the Frog.

Liam cozying up for a nap on Grammy.  xo

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas Celebration in Maine

Our Christmas celebrations were kicked off this year at Grammy & Grampy's house up in Maine.  Luckily, Santa got wind of our early arrival and made an early appearance up here, as well.

Aiden proudly displays his next installment of the Magic Treehouse chapter books… of his latest obsessions.

Bree adores her new sparkly headband and purple pearl necklace.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Getting Creative

Making some homemade Christmas ornaments for the tree.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Burning Some Energy

At the track and playground with Daddy.  

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Christmas Spirit

Our tree is up and decorated!  Many thanks to my two favorite little elves who did a great job helping me trim the tree this year (and I seriously mean that!).

Aiden put the star on, with a little boost from Daddy.

And Bree added a glittery star she made at school WAY up on the highest branch.