Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Day

We woke up this morning to a glorious white Christmas!  And what do you know -  Santa brought sleds! Sadly the snow turned wet and sloppy later in the day, so we didn't get to use the sleds right away (at least not outdoors…)

Santa brought Bree a lovely little highchair for her baby dolls.  (Her favorite food to feed the baby is a wooden lemon.  That's what all babies like to eat, right??)

The Batcave!

A new princess dress -- from Aiden.  xoxo

The kids got Daddy a globe for his new office.  Now we just gotta get those bookshelves built so he has a place to put it!

Bree was in awe of the musical jewelry box that we got her for Christmas.  She might be a little bit young for it, but I couldn't resist the pink ballerina.  Hopefully she won't break it!  (So far, so good -- knock on wood.)

Enjoying a special book from cousins Jahla and Zoe.

Back to Lego Land.

Merry Christmas, Little Loves!  xoxo

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