Wednesday, August 14, 2013


The biggest adventure during our visit to Oregon was our first camping trip as a family to Scout Lake.  Bree jumped in with both (dirty) feet within minutes of our check-in.  Although the kids were both excited about the camping trip, they definitely embraced it much more than we ever could have anticipated.

The "four person tent" wasn't gonna fit this family of four, especially once the air mattress was inflated.  Luckily, Auntie Kelly had the foresight to pack a 2-person tent that was intended to be a play tent for the kiddos.  Bree & I shared the "kid tent" while Aiden & Sean enjoyed the luxury of the queen sized air mattress in their "hotel".  

No, that is NOT an apple.  The tomato bandit devoured Kathleen's homegrown "tomaties" before anyone even had a chance.

Camping isn't complete without roasting marshmallows for S'mores!  Yum!

Bree & Jahla thought they'd sleep together in the "kid tent".  As you may have guessed, this didn't even come close to lasting through the night.  Maybe in a couple more years.  :-)

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