Sunday, February 23, 2014

Blast from the Past

Building a lobster trap with old-school styrofoam "thingies" at Babchi's house.  I used to play with these when I was a kid, and I suspect they belonged to Grammy (and / or her siblings) when she was growing up.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Cupcake Monster

We were supposed to be celebrating Liam and Joe Joe's birthdays this weekend, but sadly they've been passing sick germs back and forth and couldn't join us.  :-(  We still had cupcakes, though.  As you can tell, Bree didn't like hers AT ALL!

What a Day!!

 Wow!  What a great day for hitting the slopes!  The kids were in a morning lesson again today, which gave me the opportunity to get a bunch of runs in myself.  Daddy's been nursing a hamstring injury, so snowboarding was out for him this trip.  I spent the morning skiing / snowboarding with "Uncle Adam".  (Side note:  Brienne has decided to make it her "mission" to convince Auntie Renee and Adam to get married, because she desperately wants to be a flower girl in their wedding!!)

After a break for lunch in the lodge, Grammy and I headed out with the kids to finish up the day on the lower mountain.  

Bree made sure I was properly instructed on how to get on and off the Magic Carpet.

Bree also took her first ride on the chairlift today.  That's Aiden & Grammy below us.

While we were skiing, Daddy & Grampy had their own snowmobiling adventure elsewhere in the mountains of Maine.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Mountain Magic

Thankfully, day #1 of ski lessons was a success!  I was a little worried since this was the kids' first time back on skies this season.

When Bree was asked how her ski lesson was, this was her response!  ;-)

Thursday, February 20, 2014


We arrived at Sugarloaf this evening for a weekend of skiing.  Aunt Deb was here earlier in the week, and left behind a ton of Johanna's outgrown hats.  Bree gave us a fashion show.

Meanwhile, Aiden quietly entertained himself with a new Rainbow Loom creation.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

North Pole?

Someone remind me where we live again….??

The snow is so deep, that Bree's belly grazed the top layer of snow when she was on the swings (I suppose we should have taken those down for the winter….).

Pretty soon we're gonna run out of space to put it.  At least Daddy was home to snow blow for a change!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Legos at the Library

Daddy took Aiden to the Lego Drop In at the library today and met up with some friends.

Look at those long legs!

Happy Birthday, James!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Be My Valentine!

Reading one of his new Valentine books to his sister.  xoxoxo

I totally don't condone playing with food, but I have to admit I was getting a chuckle out of these two today.  I thought they were making smiley faces, but turns out they were mustaches.  LOL!

My attempt at getting a nice Valentine's picture before Aiden's bus arrived pretty much failed, but at least they were having fun!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Rainbow Loom Masterpiece

Aiden is really digging the Rainbow Loom that Santa brought him for Christmas.  It keeps him busy for hours on end, and he's actually getting pretty good at it.  He's moved beyond the basic pattern, and has learned navigate the Rainbow Loom website and YouTube to find more elaborate designs to try.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

These are a Few of Her Favorite Things….

Bouncing, artwork, and being upside down (preferably in a leotard, despite the frigid February temperatures….).

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Parisian Art Party -- Ooh La La!

Super fun afternoon of painting with preschool and ballet friends to celebrate Tessa's 5th birthday!  Brienne was really into it.  Hoping to sign her up for an art camp this summer at this place.

Look at those Eiffel Tower renditions!  Nice work, ladies.  

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Winter Fun

Hey - no throwing snow chunks at the photographer!

Aiden invented a game of giant ring toss around the demolished remains of the snowman Bree & I made a couple weeks ago.