Monday, June 30, 2014

Junior Green Belt

Yay, Aiden!

He wouldn't pose with Master Parks for a picture after class, but luckily Bree drew a picture to capture the moment.   The bubble is Aiden "thinking about getting his green belt"!  Lol!

Thought they were called "The Funnies" ???

Saturday, June 28, 2014

The Newest Addition to Our Yard

Daddy & Pop hung a rope for a tire swing from the big oak in our yard earlier this month.  The tire is now attached, and the kids LOVE it!!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Museum of Science

We ventured into Boston today to meet up with Daddy's cousin, Kathleen, who is visiting from Portland, OR with her family -- including 5 year old cousin, Iain.  The kids were thrilled to see Iain again.  He was part of our epic camping trip near Bend, OR last summer.

3, 2, 1 Blast Off!


I love how this picture seemingly captures a giant Brienne striking down a miniature Aiden. LOL!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


My little phone thief is obsessed with taking selfies!  Always a surprise (or 100 surprises….) waiting for me when I upload pictures to the computer…..

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Beach Day #1 (of many!)

While the girls were at art camp, the boys got a beach day with their moms.  Sounds like a great start to summer to me!

Like Father, Like Son

Art Camp

Today is Bree's first day of Art Camp with Miss Emily Piper at Fat Moon Farm. She's been looking forward to this for months!  Can you tell she's excited??  I have no doubt that she'll be 100% in her element this week.  

Sunday, June 22, 2014

A Lady Who Lunches

Bree fixed herself this "picnic lunch", complete with baby bottles (??) and jacks.  And everyone knows you MUST wear velvet gloves when you picnic….

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Good Game!

Today was the final T-ball game of the season.  These kids truly came a long way since the start of the season, thanks to their amazing coaches.  Aiden loved playing, and we're pretty sure he wants to stick with it next spring.  Great job, boys!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Whose Trophy Is It?

Maybe the big smile is 'cause she's proud of her big brother…..

Friday, June 13, 2014

Kindergarten Show

Today was Aiden's end of year Kindergarten show.  I don't think he dug being up on stage as much as Bree did for her dance recital.  He'd been practicing the songs and poems at home, and clearly knew them by heart, yet he sort of froze once he was up there in front of all the parents.  Poor kid!  It was a cute show, though.  I can't believe his school year is nearly done!  It went by so fast.

Aiden really liked showing us around his classroom, and especially showing Bree everything to expect next year.  :-)

Sunday, June 8, 2014


After we dropped Nan & Pop off at the airport this morning, we spent the remainder of this gorgeous day in Boston.  First up was a Duck Tour.  The historical parts of the tour were mostly over the kids' heads; and in retrospect, it would have been money better spent a few years from now -- but they still had fun.  

After lunch at the Parish Cafe (a favorite old stomping ground of years past), we did the Swan Boats and walked around Boston Common and the Garden.

Hey - what's up, George?

Make way for my ducklings….

Aiden's been begging to ride the subway, so today his curiosity was finally satisfied.  We took the "T" to the North End to get us some cannollis.  Yum!

He looks like an old pro, right?

This was our first visit to the new carousels on the Rose Kennedy Greenway.  Last time we were in this part of Boston with our cousins (nearly 2 years ago!), they had a temporary carousel in place which was a little bit of a letdown.  The new one is spectacular!

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Nan & Pop's Last Day :-(

Today is Nan & Pop's last full day with us.  Three weeks sure flew by fast!  Thanks for visiting us!!

My….what big feet you have, Bree….

Absent:  the stubborn grandson who doesn't like to have his picture taken (at least not on command….)

Youngest member of the "DOGZ"??

First trip to Kimball's of the summer.  Yum!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Brienne's Preschool Graduation

Bittersweet day for all of us today.  Four years at Westford Preschool have come to an end with Brienne's graduation.  We've loved the WPS community and have made some lifelong friends during our years there.  It hit me hard this morning when I dropped her off for the last time, but there's no question -- this girl is READY for KINDERGARTEN!

Awarding of Bree's "diploma".

Hamming it up with friend, Eliza.

Best buddies.


You did it, Sweets!  xoxo

Not be out-done by his sister….

Failed attempt at a rare family photo…..