Thursday, April 30, 2015

Promotion Day

3rd stripe on her junior yellow belt today for this lil' one.  Next month she'll be promoted to her full yellow belt.  (Aiden's purple belt graduation is tomorrow night.)

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Last Day of Vaca

Chillaxing by the pool.

Goofy selfies.

And a toast to Grammy & Grampy for their hospitality this week.  Thanks for having us again!  xoxo

Clearwater Marine Aquarium

Wow!  This place sure has changed since our last visit 5 years ago.  The infusion of $$ from Disney's Dolphin Tale has done wonders for the Clearwater Marine Aquarium.  

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

More Fun at The Pool


Getting tossed around by Daddy as much as possible before he has to leave later today....  :-(


Monday, April 20, 2015

Happy Swimmers

Spoiling Lunch

I'd venture to say she liked it....

Sugar Sand Festival

Our visits to Clearwater usually coincide with the annual Sugar Sand Festival, but this is the first year that we've actually gone to check it out.  As you can see, the sculptures were pretty impressive!

The theme this year was Fairy Tales.  This was Rupunzel's Castle.

Harry Potter -- This was neat to see, since we've read the kids a couple of the earlier Harry Potter books.  

Little Mermaid is still always a favorite.

We're hoping to go see the stars of Dolphin Tale (Winter and Hope) during our visit this year.  We saw Winter years ago when the kids were real little, and last fall Grammy & Grampy actually took the kids to see the movie when it was in the theater.

Clearwater Beach pier.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Beach Day!

Pretty sure the ocean was warmer than the pool today! 

Hey, look who decided to join us!  Daddy arrived yesterday after his business travels and will be with us until Tuesday.

Finishing off the day at the pool (of course!).

Friday, April 17, 2015

Island Way

All fancied up for an al fresco dinner at one of our favorite restaurants in Clearwater.  Aiden was a doll and read to Bree while we waited for our food to be served.  :-)

Thanks for dinner Grammy & Grampy!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Yay for Warm Weather!

After the winter we had, this warm weather vacation was certainly well deserved!  Time to hit the pool!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Life Is Crap!

Sooo....Parking was a bit of a nightmare when we arrived at Manchester Airport earlier this afternoon.  I was getting frustrated, and Aiden says (much to my horror...), "I wish I had Grampy's t-shirt to wave in the air right now -- Life is Crap! (*giggle, giggle*)"  Fast forward to our arrival in Tampa, when Grampy picks us up at the airport wearing said t-shirt!  To make the story even funnier, Grampy apparently leaves this particular t-shirt in Florida, so Aiden hadn't even seen it in a year!  Memory like a steal trap....

Traveling Is Getting A WHOLE Lot Easier!

Flying solo (for the first time ever) with these two to Florida, but so far, so good!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Happy Birthday Eliza!

Today Bree had a little mini-reunion with some old preschool friends at Eliza's 6th birthday at Jump On In.  We were also pleasantly surprised to meet up with some Taekwondo friends who we didn't realize went to kindergarten with Eliza in Littleton.  A fun afternoon for the girls (and the moms!).  :-)

Friday, April 10, 2015

Goof Ball

Star of the Week

Aiden was "Star of the Week" in his 1st grade class this week.  He brought lots of special items from home for a short in-class presentation, and he also got to bring a parent to lunch today.  Bree and I both joined him for pizza day in the cafeteria.  A special treat for all of us!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter Morning

Believe it or not, we were actually at home for Easter this year.  It's been a while since that happened. After the frantic search for hidden baskets and eggs, we had a nice breakfast (courtesy of chef Daddy), and later headed to Aunt Deb's house in Gloucester for more eating and egg hunting.

In addition to getting spoiled rotten by the Gloucester Easter Bunny, Bree came home with one of Johanna's old princess dress-up costumes.  As you can tell, she's quite pleased!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Easter Eggs

It's that time of year!  Didn't realize it until after the fact, but this is apparently Aiden's Easter Egg Dying uniform.  LOL!