Saturday, September 19, 2020

We've got a TEENAGER in the house ( the tent)

Can't believe our first born turns 13 today!!  Where did all the time go??

We took a fantastic hike today.  Can't think of a better way to celebrate this boy who loves the outdoors.

Can you tell how cold it is, based on my Rudolph nose??  Of all the years we've camped on Aiden's birthday weekend, this one has been the absolute coldest.

Balancing rock.

Found a nice sunny spot for our lunch break.

Views from atop the fire tower.  The foliage will probably be pretty stunning here in another couple of weeks.

Very excited to get Mexican Train from Auntie Renee & Uncle Adam.  We had a lot of fun playing this up at Sugarloaf back in February!

New book and some cold hard cash from Nan & Pop (in addition to a complete refresh of all his graphic T-shirts, and a very cool Game of Thrones face mask).

Toasting our buns.

And for the grand finale - Aiden's favorite - lemon cake!  Happy #13, kiddo!  Love you lots!!

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