Saturday, May 15, 2010

Birthday Celebration

Went up to Maine for the weekend to celebrate the May Birthdays (Mommy's and Grampy's). Got to spend lots of quality time with the family.

Brienne with Grand-Pepere.

Our new baby cousin Joseph (formerly known as baby Ralph).

Snuggles from Auntie Nay Nay.

Cousin Joseph gets some love from Grammy so Uncle Barrio and Auntie Meg can eat some lunch.

Aiden has a newfound affinity for chocolate cupcakes.

Okay - so I know that Brienne is a gi-normous baby, but doesn't she look even BIGGER sitting on Babchi's little lap!!

Babchi with 2 of her 3 great-grandkids.

Baby Joseph wasn't cooperating for our desired photo opp with ALL the great-grandkids, so Uncle Barrio tried to fill in for him. Nice effort, Uncle Barrio, but you're just not as cute as your son.

Picture time with Great-Memere & Great Pepere.

Sweet kisses from Memere.

Sean taught Aiden "earmuffs" recently, and Brienne loves to copy! What movie was that from? Old School? Too funny.

Quiet time with Grammy.

Wake up little man! Picture time.

Being silly.

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