Friday, May 21, 2010

Stone Zoo

We went to the Stone Zoo with our buddies, the Maclean's. Such a great day, and all the kiddos really enjoyed it!

The monkeys were Aiden's favorite! I seriously don't think I've ever seen him laugh so hard. "What are you doin', monkeys??" he was asking as they swung from branch to branch.

Wish I'd had a video camera to capture his excitement. The still photo just doesn't do it justice...

A jaguar.

So does Brienne. Big deal.

I don't even know what they were looking at in this little cave, but they were surely having fun!

Aiden watching the silly bear roll around on a barrel.

The bear watching Aiden with envy as he eats his snack.

Aiden dropped a fishy cracker, which was SUCH a tease for the bear who was (for obvious reasons) stuck on the other side of the glass wall.

Wow! A bear!

Hi ya!

Aiden & buddy Ethan trying to push the earth out of orbit.

Time out from the animal watching for a little train ride.

Choo choo!

Visiting the yak.

And last, but not least, my favorite photo of the day.

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