Sunday, June 27, 2010

Backyard "Beach" Bums - Day #2

Sunday was another fun, lazy day in the backyard with the kids.

Oh yes, this is Brienne's other signal that mealtime is over: trying to climb out of her highchair! Sean lowered the foot rest a week or two ago. Then the other day she figured out there was a bar above the foot rest that she can use to lurch herself out instead....

If you're waiting for pictures of Aiden IN the pool, you might be waiting all summer.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Fun in the Backyard Sun!

Yeah -- okay, so we're bad parents. Bought this kiddie pool LAST summer, but never even took it out of the box. Bought a smaller kiddie pool the summer before, never opened the box, returned it to the store that fall. It's no wonder Brienne loves the water more than Aiden. Maybe if we had exposed him earlier on he wouldn't be so shy around the water. *sigh*

At least he enjoys our "picnics" on the porch. And he finally has his normal appetite back after last weekend's stomach bug. Hooray for good eaters!!

Brienne loves eating outdoors, too. Although WE probably like it even more than her, since we don't have to worry so much about all the food that ends up on the floor!!

Hooray for self-feeding!

When she gets silly, we know mealtime is just about over....

Aiden did more "riding" of the pool than sitting in it. We'll be lucky if this inflatable pool lasts the summer....

Bree seemed to enjoy crawling around on the grass, which we found surprising. She crawled from the pool to the swing set in record time, leaving a trail behind her. When we were getting the kids ready for bed that evening, her trail mark was still clearly visible from her bedroom window.

Best beach towel EVER! (If you ever see these in Clearwater again, Mom B, stock up!!)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

11 Months Old

"Nan's Park" (AKA Friendship Park, Chelmsford)

Should think about one of these kid cages for home....

Are you kids licensed to drive this rig??

Bree showing off her stuff.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Daddy's Day - A Day Late

Our weekend trip to Maine for Father's Day was foiled due to Aiden's bout with the stomach bug (which he evidently caught from me earlier in the week....which also foiled plans to go to the New England Aquarium with Nan....what a week....). Anyway -- I think the bug affected my brain, and we never took any Father's Day pictures. Here's a couple morning after pictures, instead.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Potty Box

Apparently, the box that the new and improved potty arrived in is MUCH more exciting than the actual potty, itself.

Aiden, Aiden Quite Contrary

Okay - fine. So it doesn't rhyme. But he IS a contrary 2 1/2 year old, and his garden IS growing.

Monday, June 14, 2010


When I wouldn't let her climb the stairs anymore, she decided to try to climb the slide. Not quite as easy, but it didn't stop her from trying.

After I helped her down the slide a couple of times, she started pretending to do it herself. More things to be pleased with, as you can tell from the look of shear joy on her face.

I think I'd better start taking more pictures of Aiden, lest this turn into the Bree Blog... In all honesty, I do aim for equal postings, but my darling little 2 1/2 year old isn't the most cooperative when it comes to picture taking (or potty training) these days. Till next time....

Stair Master

Brienne learned a new skill today. In fact, this is a totally unexpected blog post. I was busy sorting through the last round of photos that I'd just downloaded to the computer, when I turn around to find Brienne sitting on the bottom stair, feet planted safely on the floor below. This is something she's never done before today, and she was extremely pleased with herself. When I got off the chair to walk over (and make sure did didn't nose dive off the stair and onto the hardwood floor), she spun around and started climbing up the stairs. I quickly grabbed the camera, snapping photos with one hand while spotting her with the other. She made a total of 4 climbs before Mommy (not Brienne...) had had enough.

AND....she's off!

Almost there....

This is FUN!!

Let's do it again!

Secret Hide Out

Believe it or not, Brienne was the instigator of this new and exciting activity.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Nan & Pop Visit

3 generations of handsome Gouldson men.

Brienne & Nan playing chase.

Brienne's ballerina slippers.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Risky Business

Little Mr. Dare Devil decided that the steering wheel on his tractor would make a good seat. It's apparently not fun anymore, unless it involves some element of danger.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Potty Fun

The first picture pretty much sums up how it's going. Aiden HATES the potty. This is him running away from the potty....

The next pictures where taken later in the day. If memory serves, this was in the midst of what I refer to as the "pee-pee dance". This is when Aiden has to go so badly that he dances around all the while denying that he needs to sit on the potty. Good times.

This is no time for sitting around....