Saturday, June 26, 2010

Fun in the Backyard Sun!

Yeah -- okay, so we're bad parents. Bought this kiddie pool LAST summer, but never even took it out of the box. Bought a smaller kiddie pool the summer before, never opened the box, returned it to the store that fall. It's no wonder Brienne loves the water more than Aiden. Maybe if we had exposed him earlier on he wouldn't be so shy around the water. *sigh*

At least he enjoys our "picnics" on the porch. And he finally has his normal appetite back after last weekend's stomach bug. Hooray for good eaters!!

Brienne loves eating outdoors, too. Although WE probably like it even more than her, since we don't have to worry so much about all the food that ends up on the floor!!

Hooray for self-feeding!

When she gets silly, we know mealtime is just about over....

Aiden did more "riding" of the pool than sitting in it. We'll be lucky if this inflatable pool lasts the summer....

Bree seemed to enjoy crawling around on the grass, which we found surprising. She crawled from the pool to the swing set in record time, leaving a trail behind her. When we were getting the kids ready for bed that evening, her trail mark was still clearly visible from her bedroom window.

Best beach towel EVER! (If you ever see these in Clearwater again, Mom B, stock up!!)

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