Saturday, September 24, 2011

Bring on the Rain!

Aiden was psyched to show off his new firefighter rain boots, but also needed to complete the ensemble with his firefighter rain coat and hat.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Bree's Playdate

My friend Laura graciously agreed to watch Brienne this morning so I could volunteer in Aiden's classroom. Bree was SO excited to go to Ethan's house, that I don't even think she could be bothered to kiss me goodbye. If only she could get along this well with her brother....

Monday, September 19, 2011

Best Mac & Cheese In Town

Yeah, okay, so we took our 4 year old to a beer joint for dinner on his 4th birthday. So what? British Beer Company happens to have the best mac & cheese in town. :-)

Daddy helps Aiden practice spelling his name while we wait for dinner to arrive.

Happy little artist -- always content with a couple of crayons and a piece of paper lately.

Boston Museum of Science

I gave the birthday boy a choice of activities for his special day. Given his recent obsession with dinosaurs, I guess I shouldn't have been surprised that he chose the Boston Museum of Science.

This display of lions, tigers and bears was so cool, but both kids were reluctant to turn their backs on the stuffed creatures to pose for a photograph! This was the best I could get...

So enamored with the life size T-Rex model, that they couldn't hold still for a picture. Guess their excitement proved the trek into Boston to be worthwhile. :-)

Learning about triceratops.

Little art project with metallic beads and magnetic board. Pretty fun -- I enjoyed it, too!

The space capsule was just as cool (if not cooler) than the dinosaurs.

One last picture with T-Rex (from the second story, this time), before we called it day.

Mornin' Birthday Boy!! xoxo

Okay - so every birthday, I try to take a picture of the kids first thing when they wake up. This year proved to be a little tricky since a) Aiden woke up before anyone else and was already downstairs for who knows how long before the rest of us woke up and b) he hates to have his picture taken against his 4 year old will. Oh well.... here's one for the record book, anyway. Happy Birthday, Lovebug!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Game Day

Touchdown, Patriots!

Buildin' the Bat Cave

Cool new present from Auntie Nay and Batman himself.

Little Dudette

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Snuggles with Grammy

And the birthday boy trying to get in on the action....

Somebody's Been Sleeping in My Chair

Big Boy Bike

One final present after all Aiden's friends left -- a big boy bike! It's actually a balance bike, without pedals. We weren't sure how he was going to react to a pedal-less bike, since he's been pedaling on a trike for quite a while now. I had broached the subject with him a couple weeks ago (after the bike had already been purchased), and he was very displeased with the idea.... Luckily, once the bike was presented to him, he loved it!

Even though it's not Bree's party, Grammy wanted to make sure she didn't feel left out....

Aiden's 4th Handy Manny Birthday Party

Is it possible that my baby boy is 4 years old, already?!? This year Aiden chose a Handy Manny theme for his party. Unlike prior birthday parties, the toddlers and preschoolers just about outnumbered the adults this time around. It was a really fun day, and the kiddos seemed to have a blast. :-)

Getting ready for pizza & homemade mac & cheese.

Very excited to add his new plastic saw to his already extensive tool collection.

The moment all the kids have been waiting for. CAKE!!

Happy Birthday, big boy!! xoxo

The weather was absolutely beautiful, so after lunch, presents and cake & ice cream all the kids burned off some sugar outdoors.

Brienne's favorite position for coloring, whether it be with crayons and paper on the kitchen floor or chalk in the middle of the driveway.... Don't worry about your new outfit, Bree....

Goody bags. :-)

Friday, September 16, 2011

Party Prep

Aiden's 4th Birthday Party is tomorrow! My cupcake decorator extraordinaire (and his sidekick) help clean frosting off the beaters. Nothing like a little sugar high before bed...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Say Cheese!

First Day of School

Don't be fooled into thinking this beautiful smile was for me.... It was for my friend Laura (buddy Adam's mom). He definitely doesn't give me nice smiles on command anymore. :-) Thanks, Laura!!

Saturday, September 10, 2011