Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick-Or-Treat -- Part I

Mother Nature was not kind to us in Westford this past weekend. Thanks to a pre-Halloween snow storm which pulled down branches and trees all over town (heavy with leaves that had not yet fallen, as well as the heavy, wet snow), we were without power. Remembering the ice storm 3 years ago -- when we lost power for FIVE days -- and fearing the worst, we headed up to Grammy & Grampy's house about 16 hours after the lights, heat and water went out.

Although Halloween was cancelled (or really postponed, as we later learned) in Westford, the good news is that Halloween in Maine was not impacted by the storm. Yay!

First stop.....CDI, of course! We should've egged Grampy's office, since he wasn't there to give us a treat.....

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