Saturday, March 31, 2018

Post Skiing Shenanigans

My little cousin Emilie babysat last night so we could go out to celebrate Uncle Barrio's 40th (!!!!) birthday sans children.  While we were enjoying a fancy dinner, she and her new beau helped the kids decorate their Easter Eggs.  What a great and colorful snack for after skiing.  :-)

Last night was our wild no-kids-allowed party.  Tonight we celebrate Uncle Barrio with the family.  Happy 40th, Michael!  

Hitting the Slopes

After Thursday night / Friday morning's rain, the conditions weren't as ideal as they could have been.  But at least we have a beautiful sun-shiney day for our last day on the slopes this year.

Took the kids to the top of Sugarloaf for their first time.  They did great!  Bree wasn't thrilled with the  icy conditions in some spots, but still handled it well.  Next year will be a whole new ball game for these two.  Yahoo!!


We had a hard time connecting with our cousins on the slopes today.  I think we were chasing each other around in circles.  At least we'll have plenty of quality time together in the condo the remainder of the weekend.  :-)

Friday, March 30, 2018

Plan B

Drove up to Sugarloaf last night, and played hooky from school today in the hopes of enjoying short lift lines on the slopes....but alas, we woke up to rain.  The sun came out around 11:30am, but at that point we were already at the pool, and it didn't seem like a financially sound decision to buy expensive passes for a couple of hours of skiing.  So, here we are, enjoying the pool and hot tub instead.  Better luck tomorrow!

Good looking suit (right out of 1980) borrowed from Grampy.  LOL!!  He's lucky I didn't post this on Facebook!

Crazy kids!

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Patriot Place - Bowling Adventures

Our second annual bowling trip to Howl At the Moon with the Osbornes.  Very fun day with good friends!

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Girl Scout Field Trip

Working towards their insect badge today.....

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Ski Date with the Sperry's

Fun day on the slopes with our friends today!  It was packed at Wachusett, but that was to be expected after the crazy amount of snow we just received with the past two storms.

Someone's already been begging to try snowboarding next season.  Can you guess who??

Girl Power!

Look at that magnificent view!

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Snow Day

The superintendent called another snow day, but the sun is shining and the driveway is cleared, so what the heck!  Let's do this thing!  This was my first time taking the kids skiing solo.  Was a little out of my comfort zone initially, but we had a fun and we survived.  It snowed (lightly) all day at Wachusett.  Couldn't have asked for better ski conditions!

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

More Snow?!?!

Really?!?! Seriously?!?!  We want spring!!!

She might not be smiling when she's in school until the end of June!!

Monday, March 12, 2018

Friday, March 9, 2018


Thankfully, Sean's many hotel points allowed us to to book a free room to escape the cold dark house.  The tricky part was finding a hotel that wasn't booked solid.  We ended up in Devens.  Had no idea where Devens even was until today.  It's only 15 minutes from home -- who knew?!  Hopefully this power outage won't last long!  In the meantime, we're doing our best to keep ourselves busy and entertained.

Yummy dinner at Lucia's Tavola in Ayer.  We came here a while back with friends, and it was delicious.  Tonight did not disappoint.

Sweet dreams.  <3

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Brute Storm

When we went to bed last night, I'd come to the conclusion that this snowstorm wasn't going to amount to much.  Was absolutely shocked to wake up and find so many of our trees decimated.  This is just a small sample of the damage.  :-(

This giant tree branch came down about 5 minutes after I'd snowblowed this area.  I had to stop (thank goodness!!!) because the machine quit after I'd run over a buried branch.  

I couldn't give the kids free reign of the yard due to all the downed limbs (and limbs that could potentially still fall), but Bree managed a cute snowman in a safe area of the backyard.

Did I mention we lost power?? Since the dining room is bright and sunny, we took the opportunity to finish off the puzzle I'd picked up for the kids in York Beach last month on my girls weekend.  It was a tough one!

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Blue & Gold Dinner

Tonight the Cub Scout Arrows of Light bridged to Boy Scouts.  As a Webelos, Aiden participated in the ceremony.  Next year it will be his turn.  :-)

Swimming Champs

Today was the end of season championship meet at BU.  Amazing pool!
Competition was fierce. Neither of the kids placed, but Bree scored a point for the team by coming in 16th in Breaststroke and Aiden dropped 1.75 seconds in his Breaststroke.

Bree at the block.

Aiden's ready to go.

He's second from the bottom, pictured below. 

Way to go buddy!

Bree's relay team getting set-up.

Bree's breast stroke event.  She's easily identifiable in her hot pink goggles.  :-)

Groton buddy, Lucia.

Bree and Eliana were inseparable this season.  Eliana is a superstar swimmer.  She's a tough one to beat!

Aiden was happy to finally be swimming with (against!) Andrew.

Two of his besties from school swim for Westford.  He's begging to switch teams next year.  We'll see what the coaching situation is before we decide whether or not to make a change.....

Post-season celebratory lunch at Summer Shack in Cambridge on the way home.  Cheers!