Thursday, March 8, 2018

Brute Storm

When we went to bed last night, I'd come to the conclusion that this snowstorm wasn't going to amount to much.  Was absolutely shocked to wake up and find so many of our trees decimated.  This is just a small sample of the damage.  :-(

This giant tree branch came down about 5 minutes after I'd snowblowed this area.  I had to stop (thank goodness!!!) because the machine quit after I'd run over a buried branch.  

I couldn't give the kids free reign of the yard due to all the downed limbs (and limbs that could potentially still fall), but Bree managed a cute snowman in a safe area of the backyard.

Did I mention we lost power?? Since the dining room is bright and sunny, we took the opportunity to finish off the puzzle I'd picked up for the kids in York Beach last month on my girls weekend.  It was a tough one!

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