Saturday, April 24, 2010

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

You Can Do it, Brienne!

If she doesn't crawl by tomorrow, I will seriously feel like a failure. Aiden started crawling the day before his 9 month birthday. That would be tomorrow for Bree. Is it because I'm home with her vs. her being in daycare??? :-( Common, Bree! You're SOOOO close!!

Back off, Mom. The slide is much more fun. Plus, I get around just fine by rolling wherever I want to go.

Picnic in the Backyard

Go Sox!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Land Down Under

If Brienne is missing, chances are she's under a piece of furniture.

Is it Monday Already???

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Enjoying the View

Ewww... Wash your hair, Mommy!

Open Mouth Kisses

Trying to turn the froggy puppet into a handsome prince.

Trouble Maker

Saturday, April 17, 2010


This was Aiden posing for the fake camera, unaware that we were taking his picture with the real camera. Finally -- we find a way to make him smile!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Bad Habits Start Young

Aiden learning how to shake up a dirty martini.

Having a Ball

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Friday, April 9, 2010

Clearwater, Florida - Day 5

The kingly lion was not amused that we used him as a hat rack for Brienne's sun bonnets...

Our last full day in Clearwater was overcast in the morning, so we took a trip to the very fancy (kidding...) Clearwater Aquarium.

Watching the dolphin with Grammy.

Shopping in the gift store. This is MY idea of a good time!

The sun came out around lunchtime, and all the clouds disappeared. Hooray!

Enjoying an afternoon snack of kiwi and cantaloup before heading back down to the pool.

Who is that CUTE baby?!?! She looks just like me....

Wanna make out?

Sloppy kisser...Nice drool string!

Giddy like a school girl.

Milestones of the week: 1) Brienne can roll herself up to a seated position. 2) She has two visible teeth. 3) She can clap. 4) She sleeps through the night (NOT!)

That's all folks! Big thanks to Grammy & Grampy for a fun week!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Clearwater, Florida - Day 4

Floatin' around on the noodle.

This is an action shot of Aiden losing his fear of the water. He failed to warn me that he was about to jump!

Our little burrito.

Daddy's sweet girl.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Clearwater, Florida - Day 3

Morning stroll on the beach.

Bree prefers the binky clip over the binky itself.

Chillin' with Daddy.

Beach bum.

Check out those thighs! (They resemble mine, which is why mine are cropped out of the picture!!)

Mommy and her little tadpoles.

Aiden's favorite part of the pool was walking up and down the stairs. His least favorite part of the pool was getting splashed by Brienne.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Clearwater, Florida - Day 2

Imagine Aiden's confusion when he saw the sun rise in the opposite direction from where it had set the previous evening....

Starting to get used to the beach.

Are we bad parents because Aiden first experience with the ocean was at age 2 1/2?? It's not like we're land-locked back home in Massachusetts.... *sigh* This was his first toe dip in the ocean. It was much too cold for swimming, though...

We'll get it right with the second kid. This was Bree's first toe dip in the ocean. Don't think she enjoyed it as much as she does her bath (or the heated pool!).

Family photo.

Grampy's helper.